Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, She Knows Who She's NOT!

Yesterday morning, we were trying to get Lauren dressed. Now, I've talked quite a bit about how rough mornings can be with her, so we were being very calm and patient. She'd had her juice and snuggled with mom for a while, so things were going well. I put on her black turtleneck and went to put this little dress over it. She immediately started screaming and crying, "I'm not a princess! I'm not a princess!" We didn't want to force the issue, so away we went with her in the turtleneck and jeans.

We were both flabbergasted and amused at her reaction. We really don't talk much about the whole princess thing in the house (I'm not a huge fan of the princess mania that's out right now); she's maybe heard a couple of stories with princesses in them and has a little dish set with the Disney princesses on them, so it's really not around. So, how she got the idea that dresses = princesses, I'm not sure. I'm fine with her in jeans every day, though, so it's fine. And, of course, we just need to wait a couple of months and she'll only want to wear dresses. Toddlers are fickle creatures, I'm learning.

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