Thursday, January 7, 2010

She's a Super Beast, Super Beast! She's Super Beastie!

We've been wanting to get Lauren into a more structured class like some sort of movement or art, so tonight we took an introductory class at Little Gym, called "Super Beasts." The littler kids are "Beasts" and Lauren's age group are the "Super Beasts." Isn't that cute and oh so true?

Anyway, I think we've found her niche! She did pretty well at the group activities; catching on and mimicking the others fairly well. She even followed directions about putting things away. I was amazed! Where she really shone, though, was in the exploration times and skill of the week, where she got to try all sorts of equipment and even start learning some basic moves. She's fearless and will try anything, even if she's not totally clear on what she's doing. She's also quite strong and can do a full somersault by herself! The teacher even commented that she seemed very strong and coordinated. I puffed up with pride and maybe even got a tear in my eye. It's so amazing to watch her personality peeking (well, barging, sometimes) through and learning more and more about her. I have a pretty cool kid!

So, of course after the comments from the teacher and seeing how much fun Lauren had, we signed her up for classes through June. We're going to go to the next three Super Beasts class (we get them for free) to get her acquainted with how the class runs and how to participate and listen and then we're going to try her in the "Funny Bugs" class, which is for 3-4 year olds. She's not quite old enough, of course, but she seemed okay tonight and we can always move her back if needed. So, into training she goes!

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