Monday, January 11, 2010

Sick Little Monkey

We have a sad, sick little girl. She started getting a little hoarse sound to her voice on Saturday and had a little cough on Sunday. Sunday night, it became really clear that she was coughing more and more. By the time we went to bed, she had woken up again and was having a tough time. We put her in her room with us and turned on the humidifier. It wasn't easy to get her back to sleep, but she went eventually.

This morning, we decided to go ahead and keep her home for the day. She was warm to the touch, though not quire feverish. She had the runniest nose and watery eyes. Poor kiddo was just miserable. So, we just relaxed and played quietly all day. She seemed to be getting a little better, until after nap. She started coughing so hard that she threw up a couple of times. She felt terrible and kept apologizing to me. I immediately called the doctor and off we went.

Basically, she just has a really bad cold. The doctor said to keep an eye on her cough and make sure her ears are okay, and that she should be fine. It looks like I'll be staying home tomorrow since she isn't any better, but I'm glad to know it's just a cold.

The funny thing about this is that our daycare lady, Veejay, totally knew Lauren was getting sick before she was showing any symptoms. She told me on Friday that Lauren had had a great day, really being quiet and easy to work with. I was pleased, until she told me that she thought it was because Lauren was getting sick. Turns out she was right, but it's too bad that's the only reason for a good day!:)

1 comment:

  1. So glad it isn't croup or pertussis! Poor little Lauren....Neenah misses you! xxxxxxoooooo
