Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Busy Days, Busy Girl

Whew! These last few days have absolutely flown by! On Monday, Lauren and I mostly hung aroung the house and got things cleaned up from Christmas, though we did duck out for a bit to buy her some boots. We got her some awesome butterfly boots, pictures forthcoming. Yesterday, we went to the Children's Museum in the morning, came home to "rest" (no rest to be had for her, of course), and then went to Gymboree. Today, we went to our friends' house to play and then down to Seattle to meet Jeremy at the running store and for dinner. We've been running ourselves ragged, though it's been really fun!

Some funny things she's said along the way:

- She's added a new complaint to her repertoire. We went from "Daddy's pushing" to "You hurt me" to now "Why you hurt me, Mama?" Great, kid; people are going to think I'm abusing you.

- She's started asking "Why?" questions. I knew this would be starting soon. So far, she's asked me why I was recycling a bottle, why I was cleaning the tub, and why I dumped out old milk. She seemed satisfied with my answers. For now.

- Today as we got ready for lunch at Brooke and Kailey's house, she was sitting in the high chair. Out of the blue she says, "I'm really happy, Mommy." Isn't that sweet?

- Also today: Brooke is pregnant and as she stood one time, she noticed that Lauren was looking at her. She patted her belly and said, "I have a big belly, don't I?" Lauren looked at her appraisingly and said, "And nipples." I almost died.

Finally, today we had a potty breakthrough! There have been a couple of weekends where we have tried pottytraining, but it hasn't been very successful. She can go if I take her every 15 minutes, but doesn't seem to really know when she needs to go. Today, she was lying naked on our bed after a shower. Suddenly she jumped up, said, "I have to go potty" and ran in and did her business, just like that! I was so proud of her! Maybe this is a new beginning?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post-Holiday Slump

Lauren has really been running on fumes these last few days post-Christmas. She's still not napping, so by 3 pm, she's pretty well done. Of course, she's a stubborn little thing, so she won't go to bed until it's been dark a while. That means she's up until at least 6 and is just ragged by then.

Today was a great example of all of this. She got up happily at 8 to go to church with her dad, all decked out in a new dress, shoes, and headband. I even managed to get a photo of her that didn't have her hand in front of her face. After church, we just hung around the house while she played and played with her new toys. Around 3, we headed out to go to the library and a couple of places down in Edmonds. We were too close to the witching hour, though, and she lost it several times while we were there. Over nothing, of course.

We got her home and she watched some Max and Ruby while leaning up against her dad, as if she was too tired to even hold her head up on her own. She had huge bags under her eyes, so that might have been part of the weight problem. I made dinner and she happily ate that, requesting candy for dessert. After that, we put her in her pj's and dressed up her skinned knee from earlier in the day with a Hello Kitty bandaid. Of course, she melted down several times while we changed her, accusing me, her dad, and one of the dogs of pushing her. It's a conspiracy!

She had a few great moments of clarity, though, as she helped us clean up the playroom. She actually did a really nice job of putting things away. Miraculous, I tell you. What was even more miraculous was how she went to bed: we got her upstairs and were saying that we were going to read a couple of books and put her to bed. Once we got in her room, I put the new pillow and blanket from her Nana on her bed. She saw that and said, "I have to go to bed!" while diving in. She snuggled in, had us cover her up with the blanket and closed her eyes. It hasn't been that easy since... well, ever! I think she was finally just done with this holiday thing.

Our daycare is closed all week, so Lauren will be home with me. I'm sure I'll have lots to report. Come to think of it, I'd better go ahead and go to bed to get rested!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday Fun

Today was Christmas, and Lauren had a pretty good time. I think she was pretty overwhelmed by it all, but she certainly enjoyed the gifts and food. And that's what's important, right? :)

She woke up about 8 this morning and was rarin' to go. Unfortunately, though, she was not at all interested in going downstairs to see what Santa brought her. Finally, she had some juice and looked outside for a while, and so we were finally able to convince her to come downstairs to see what Santa brought her. The kitchen was a definite hit; she instantly started making us cookies, which according to her was our dinner. She played with just about everything before we had to leave for Christmas dinner.

We went down to celebrate with Mary's family in Kent. Lauren had a great time playing and eating sweets; turkey and all the fixings really aren't her thing. She loves eggnog though (blech) and really loved the different pies. So, between that and the new toys and geting to play, I think the holidays were a hit!

I've put a photo slideshow below. I hope it works; I had to change up the format a bit to make it work. Let me know if it doesn't!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Monkey

"Monkey" being Lauren, of course.

Tonight is Christmas Eve, and I'm feeling like it's the first one that really counts. The first year, she was just (nearly) 9 months old and had no idea what was going on. She was equally enthralled with the lights on the tree and the paper in the gifts as the gifts themselves, as is common at that age. Last year, she waas a year and a half and understood the gift thing a little more, though she remained mostly unimpressed.

This year, though, the magic has begun. We've really been working hard to sell the whole Santa mystique and I think she's getting it. We've been doing the advent calendar and while I don't think she understands the countdown bit, she sees Santa on it and gets excited. Tonight, at her Grandma and Grandpa Schumacher's, she was given quite a few gifts and (of course) really enjoyed it. She did a beautiful job of looking at each gift and going and giving the giver a hug when told. Of course, she got enamored of one of the very first things she opened and so missed a little bit of the others, but she did take her time. It was very sweet.

After leaving their house, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. She really seemed to like that. Then we got an exhausted girl into her pj's and listened to a recording of her Papa reading "Night Before Christmas." We then set out the cookies and beer (a tradition I remember when I was little) for Santa and sent her off to bed. Jeremy and I then set up her kitchen from Santa and got everything staged for tomorrow. I'm so excited to see her face in the morning and see what she thinks of it all!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Night Moves

Lauren has been quite active these last two nights. Last night at 3:40, I heard knocking on her door. I got up and opened her door to find her standing there, holding her blanket on her outstretched hands. "I made birthday cake for Daddy!" she says brightly. I went all the way into the room and sat down while she told me that the cake had "Marshmallow Squirters" on it, which is from one of her Max and Ruby books. She kept asking where her Daddy was and thought I kept saying he was asleep, she wanted to go see him. Finally, she just started knocking on the door. That did wake him, so I just brought her into our room to sleep. Luckily, she settled in quickly and went right back to sleep, and stayed until morning. We never did get that cake, though.

Tonight, I was out at a friend's while Jeremy stayed home. We had both put Lauren to bed, but he started hearing noises coming from her room. He peeked in, and she was sitting on top of a shelf by the window, looking out. "I'm looking out the window!" She had taken everything off the shelf and gotten up there, Jeremy thinks to look at the Christmas lights. He eventually got her back into bed, though there was a little bit of a disagreement over whether or not she should wear pj's. They reached a compromise, though: evidently sweatpants and a shirt counted enough for both of them.

Here's hoping that she sleeps through the rest of the night, or else really does bring cake.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Little Miss Layabout

This morning, since I didn't have to be at work right away, I thought I'd let Lauren sleep in and then take her to VJ's whenever she woke up. Of course, I woke up at 7:30 and puttered around the house, waiting for Lauren to wake up. And I waited. And I waited. Finally at 9:15 I had to go in and get her. Little Miss didn't even wake up immediately; she yawned and stretched like a princess being inconvenienced. She was in a great mood once she woke up, though; must have been the 14 hours she slept!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Weekend Report

We had quite the busy day yesterday and quite a lazy one today. Yesterday, we went to hang out with friends, came home for a very brief time, and then went out again to watch the Christmas boats from a friend's house. Today, she was too slow to get up and too grumpy to head to church, so she and her dad stayed home and watched football. That's pretty much it. Luckily, the TV is in the family room, so she could play when she got bored, which took place after about 5 minutes, of course. She's pretty good about entertaining herself, though, and pretty much played the entire day. She was so busy, in fact, that she was conked out a little early tonight and probably would have gone to bed even earlier if not for the need to eat dinner.

- Friday night, we had friends over for dinner. I was telling them that I was considering potty training Miss Lauren while I was on break. My friend Diana asked her, "Are you going to use the big girl potty?" "No!" she said with a huge grin on her face. We'll see about that!

- Yesterday, we went to lunch and then to a little children's museum/play area with Lauren and some friends of ours that have a one-year-old. She loves seeing "Baby Kailey." Lauren had a fabulous time, spending most of her time in the cab of a Mack truck that was part of the museum. Future Teamster?

- When it was time to go, it was no surprise that Lauren was unhappy about the prospect. She alternately laid flat on the floor and stood with her arms crossed as we tried to leave. At one point, she was standing in corner with her arms crossed solidly over her chest and her chin tucked down. "Lauren, it's time to go," I said. "I'm crying," she said. Close enough, I guess. I reminded her that her balloon from lunch was in the car and that eased her way considerably.

- When we went to our friend's house last night, she immediately found the binoculars by their window and walked around with them all night. She enjoyed looking at all sorts of things through both ends and encouraging others to do the same. Especially cute was when she sat and watched the Yule Log on TV through the binoculars. She had a great view!

- This morning, I ran in a race and finally got home around noon. By then, she and her dad had eaten pancakes and watched most of a football game. After a shower, I came downstairs and sat on the couch. Lauren's eyes lit up. She pushed everything off of the next cushion down and made me stretch out my legs. Then she ran over and got our quilt and with her dad's help brought it over. As he was spreading it out, she jumped up in my lap and snuggled between me and the corner. "I'm in egg!" she said. She had quite a time pretending to hide under the covers, laughing gleefully while we "looked" for her. She also snuggled quite a bit. Watching football wears you out.

- After watching some football, he played and played and got really pooped around 5. She curled up in my lap and watched The Incredibles. It was very sweet. She perked up when it was time for dinner, but wasn't too thrilled when she saw we were having a new type of pizza. She's more of a pepperoni girl, I guess. She ate about three bites and then asked for a piece of candy (from the advent calendar). I convinced her to eat half a banana, but she again asked for the candy. She drank a little milk and then got the candy. She likes this advent calendar thing!

- When it was time for bed, she found a necklace that she wears occasionally from her dress-up supply. She put it on her dad and said, "You look great!" She put it on me and said nothing. I asked if I could have a kiss to go with my necklace; she bent down and kissed the necklace. I see where I stand!

Friday, December 18, 2009

More Lauren-isms

Just a random collection of things she's said lately:

- Once Lauren realized that there were buttons to be pressed in the world, there was no stopping her. If you're on the computer, she's sidled right up next to you, trying to "help." If you're getting her out of the car, she's trying to click the side door lights off and on. If you're exiting a building, she's looking for the handicapped door activation. If you're in the shower, she always wants to let the water out at the end by pushing down the shower button once you've turned off the water.

The thing that makes this all very cute instead of very irritating is the way she asks to help. "Tap the bunt?" she says each time. "I tap the bunt!" It's really cute. No matter how many time I clearly enunciate 'button' it's always "bunt!"

- Last night she was reading a book in the backseat on the way home from daycare and she suddenly said, very clearly, "Somebody ripped this." I looked back, and she was right: someone had ripped the page. It was a secondhand book, so she was probably right that it was "somebody."

- She's been talking to herself a lot lately, but I only hear what she's saying about 10% of the time. The other day she was walking up the steps to the house saying something about, "So cool. So cute." Has she been watching GAP commercials?

- She loves to look for things in books and then find them. As I drive to daycare in the morning, it's a constant stream of, "Where Mommy go? There's Mommy! I found her! Where Daddy go?" and so on. Of course, she's "finding" us in her book based on the movie "Cars" so I'm not totally sure what she means. She's just awfully like Christopher Columbus in her "finding" of things.

- It's been really fun watching her play with pronouns and figure out how to construct a sentence. Just today she said, "You pushed me" when before she would have said, "Mommy pushing Lauren." It's amazing from one day to the next how her understanding of the complex rules of English grows. She still says everything is a "she" though.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Lauren did great with Santa last night! We arrived at 6 o'clock, but the line was really crazy. We decided to go eat first, and came back after an hour. Of course, the line was even longer. I thought that going on a week night would be a sure thing!

I stood in line while Jeremy took Lauren a little ways away and played with her. There were little firetrucks you can rent for children, and she set up shop in one of those. I kept looking over and could just see her getting more and more tired and was worried that she'd absolutely lose it when the moment came.

It got to where I was just a few people back from Santa, so I called Lauren and Jeremy over. They have this fun house mirror that Lauren had a fantastic time looking in for a few minutes. Then we turned the corner and there he was! Lauren looked up at me and said, "I wanna sit on his lap." I actually had to hold her back from running up there. Once Santa made the motion for her to come up, she went running, arms outstretched. She posed well for the pictures and even smiled on cue. I was bowled over!

I'm shocked it went so well, but am glad it did. I'll be sending out photos soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Holidays: Toddler-Style

First, I had no idea it had been a week since I'd written! Time has just gone by so quickly this week; I swear, time goes faster the closer you get to the end of the year.

In the last week, there's really not been anything that's too exciting to report. Lauren's been going about her normal business, playing and being sweet and loving, but also grumpy and obstinate at times. She's been sticking to her normal language, too, so nothing too exciting there. There were just two phrases that stuck out to me:

- In the car: "I ticklish on my leg. On my knee."
- This morning, as I tried to dress her: "No! Don't take off Lauren's pj's!"

What has been really interesting is to see her interacting with the holidays in a meaningful way. Obviously, she's been too young to really understand what's going on, and it's just fascinating to see how she sees this all unfolding. She definitely likes Christmas lights and the couple of holiday musical snowglobes we have. She likes the tree, but has been surprising good about leaving it alone. Presents seem to puzzle her a bit; she's aware she shouldn't unwrap the ones under the tree, though I've seen her staring at them. We also have her big presents just in one of the rooms upstairs, unwrapped. I've seen her looking at it, but in this funny, distanced sort of way. She hasn't asked me about it or wanted to open it. Yet, anyway.

The big test tonight is going to see Santa. I have no idea what she'll think of him. Again, she knows who he is in this distant, vague sense, but not in any real way. We'll see what happens when she seems him in the flesh! She did say this morning, "No Santa!" when I told her where we're going, so I'm not expecting much.

I just can see the little gears working in her brain about all of this. She clearly understands that the holidays are something special and she seems to understand that it's important to other people. I just don't think she knows just yet what it all means to her, though I know that will all change when she sees that she gets gifts!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Getting into the Holiday Spirit

Miss Lauren did a few things today that showed her holiday spirit, or in one case, her lack thereof:

- At daycare they made these adorable little Rudolphs. It's basically a diamond of brown construction paper folded so that it makes a triangle. This is Rudolph's mouth. They then traced around her hands for the antlers and pasted on two eyes, the tongue, and, of course, the red nose. When Lauren showed this to me, she flapped the mouth a few times and said, "Raaaah Raaaah Raaaah." I don't remember that part of Rudolph's story.

Actually, I do know where it comes from. There's this great little book she loves called "Daffodil, Crocodile" and the character says, "Raaah Raaah Raaah Chomp Chomp Chomp." That's become a common refrain in our house, and evidently, Rudolph says it too.

- I was about to cook dinner and asked Lauren if she'd like to hear some Christmas music. She said, "No Christmas music!" and proceeded to roll around on the floor crying and screaming when I put it on anyway. I eventually stopped it because she was just ruining the festive atmosphere. What in the heck got into her, I wonder?

- She's really enjoyed opening all the Christmas cards with me and looking at all the pictures. We got one today that is really neat: it folds out into a little partridge in a pear tree. As I showed it to her, I sang, "And a partridge in a pear tree" in sort of a faux bass. She looked at the tree and sang in a similarly low tone, "And a bird." What a cutie!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mystery Solved!

As I mentioned in my last post, Lauren has continued to mention President Obama, and Jeremy seemed to think it was somehow tied to his wearing Carolina colors or emblems. Seemed plausible, not that it makes sense.

This morning, I asked Lauren what she wanted to wear. She said, "President Obama!" So, I took her back to her dresser and opened the drawers. She rifled through a bit and said, "Oh no! He's not here!" I saw the Carolina shirt in an untouched pile and uncovered it. She said, "There he is! There's President Obama!"

So strange, and yet so cute. I do wonder where she got it from!

Something cute and smart she said today: I was telling her we were going to do something "later, not now." Later, she asked about going to Miss Veejay's house and I said, "Tomorrow, babe." She said, "Tomorrow. Later." She figured that out really quickly!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Aaaannnddd She's Back!

We kept Lauren home from daycare today after the episode last night. Of course, she was up before the sun and demanded extra pancakes at breakfast. Jeremy stayed home with her and reported that she played as normal all day. She did wear down a little early tonight and looked a little peaked, but she'll be fine after a good sleep.

I am going to have to keep her home tomorrow, though, since she still had a bit of an upset tummy today, not that it slowed her down. I imagine she'll spend the day flitting from activity to activity, stopping every so often to ask for juice or to watch Max and Ruby. Not much stops her.

Her randomness with President Obama continues. This morning, she was pulling up the blinds as she now does every day. Jeremy said, "Thank you, Lauren." She said, "You're welcome, President Obama!" Strange, huh? The only thing we can figure out is that Lauren only says that when Jeremy is wearing something Carolina-related, so she must have made the connection somehow. Whatever it is, it's cute.

I was proud of her the other day: I was trying to teach her to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. I only mentioned it once, not thinking she'd pick it up. Yesterday, our friend Sandie told Lauren she liked her tights and, without any prompting, said, "Thank you." I was so proud!

One other cute story: She's really getting the hang of the different rituals at church. In particular, she's started kneeling before she enters the pew, both when they arrive at church and when coming back from communion. How cute is that?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sick Girl

We have an unhappy little girl. Without going into too much detail, she's sick. :( She generally seems to feel okay, but her tummy just isn't happy. She's in bed sound asleep right now, though, so hopefully it will heal her and will help it run its course. Poor kiddo!

Friday, December 4, 2009

She's Definitely 2!

Lauren has been in fine form these last few days. After being an angel for months and all the time I've spent bragging that she's not really in her terrible twos, she's suddenly possessed by toddler-ness.

Her new thing is that she wants to do everything for herself, and if you should happen to do it for her, she'll want to start all over again and do it herself. This goes from getting down from the high chair to getting out of the car to walking down steps. She definitely is wanting to be in charge of moving from place to place. Unfortunately, this isn't the most expedient way of doing things.

Everything is also hers right now and no one else's. This goes for food, clothes, her blanket, and her mommy. She's being a little bit of a terror at Gymboree and at daycare and has definitely regressed in the concept of sharing.

She's also getting a little bit of a sassy mouth. "Law-wen do it!", "My turn!", "My have it!", and "No, mine!" are all constant refrains in our house, as are, "Leave alone!", "My stuck!" and "My help-a you?" 'My' is her substitution for 'I' if you couldn't tell.

She's being really tough about getting dressed in the morning and in getting into bed at night. The conditions have to be just perfect and, of course, they're never perfect. So, she's pretty much a demon for the first hour and last hour of the day. Makes getting to work kind of a nice escape, to tell you the truth.

The silver lining in all of this is that I know that this is totally normal toddler behavior and that it's really just a phase. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update on Lauren's Ears

In September, Lauren had to have a brief surgery to remove some scar tissue from her ear where her ear tubes had been. Today was the post-op appointment and they look great! There's also no sign of infection yet this year, so I'm crossing my fingers that that won't be a problem for her anymore!

She was really cute at the doctor: as soon as he walked in the door she said, "Hi, Doctor!" and waved. I then put her up on the table and she immediately laid down; I guess she remembers what to do! She was excellent while he looked in her ears and just like that we were done!

A quick Lauren-ism: As I laid her in bed tonight, I swear she said, "That's very interesting." Yep, dear, it is!