Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday Fun

Today was Christmas, and Lauren had a pretty good time. I think she was pretty overwhelmed by it all, but she certainly enjoyed the gifts and food. And that's what's important, right? :)

She woke up about 8 this morning and was rarin' to go. Unfortunately, though, she was not at all interested in going downstairs to see what Santa brought her. Finally, she had some juice and looked outside for a while, and so we were finally able to convince her to come downstairs to see what Santa brought her. The kitchen was a definite hit; she instantly started making us cookies, which according to her was our dinner. She played with just about everything before we had to leave for Christmas dinner.

We went down to celebrate with Mary's family in Kent. Lauren had a great time playing and eating sweets; turkey and all the fixings really aren't her thing. She loves eggnog though (blech) and really loved the different pies. So, between that and the new toys and geting to play, I think the holidays were a hit!

I've put a photo slideshow below. I hope it works; I had to change up the format a bit to make it work. Let me know if it doesn't!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Almost as good as being there! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
