Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mystery Solved!

As I mentioned in my last post, Lauren has continued to mention President Obama, and Jeremy seemed to think it was somehow tied to his wearing Carolina colors or emblems. Seemed plausible, not that it makes sense.

This morning, I asked Lauren what she wanted to wear. She said, "President Obama!" So, I took her back to her dresser and opened the drawers. She rifled through a bit and said, "Oh no! He's not here!" I saw the Carolina shirt in an untouched pile and uncovered it. She said, "There he is! There's President Obama!"

So strange, and yet so cute. I do wonder where she got it from!

Something cute and smart she said today: I was telling her we were going to do something "later, not now." Later, she asked about going to Miss Veejay's house and I said, "Tomorrow, babe." She said, "Tomorrow. Later." She figured that out really quickly!

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