Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Weekend Report

We had quite the busy day yesterday and quite a lazy one today. Yesterday, we went to hang out with friends, came home for a very brief time, and then went out again to watch the Christmas boats from a friend's house. Today, she was too slow to get up and too grumpy to head to church, so she and her dad stayed home and watched football. That's pretty much it. Luckily, the TV is in the family room, so she could play when she got bored, which took place after about 5 minutes, of course. She's pretty good about entertaining herself, though, and pretty much played the entire day. She was so busy, in fact, that she was conked out a little early tonight and probably would have gone to bed even earlier if not for the need to eat dinner.

- Friday night, we had friends over for dinner. I was telling them that I was considering potty training Miss Lauren while I was on break. My friend Diana asked her, "Are you going to use the big girl potty?" "No!" she said with a huge grin on her face. We'll see about that!

- Yesterday, we went to lunch and then to a little children's museum/play area with Lauren and some friends of ours that have a one-year-old. She loves seeing "Baby Kailey." Lauren had a fabulous time, spending most of her time in the cab of a Mack truck that was part of the museum. Future Teamster?

- When it was time to go, it was no surprise that Lauren was unhappy about the prospect. She alternately laid flat on the floor and stood with her arms crossed as we tried to leave. At one point, she was standing in corner with her arms crossed solidly over her chest and her chin tucked down. "Lauren, it's time to go," I said. "I'm crying," she said. Close enough, I guess. I reminded her that her balloon from lunch was in the car and that eased her way considerably.

- When we went to our friend's house last night, she immediately found the binoculars by their window and walked around with them all night. She enjoyed looking at all sorts of things through both ends and encouraging others to do the same. Especially cute was when she sat and watched the Yule Log on TV through the binoculars. She had a great view!

- This morning, I ran in a race and finally got home around noon. By then, she and her dad had eaten pancakes and watched most of a football game. After a shower, I came downstairs and sat on the couch. Lauren's eyes lit up. She pushed everything off of the next cushion down and made me stretch out my legs. Then she ran over and got our quilt and with her dad's help brought it over. As he was spreading it out, she jumped up in my lap and snuggled between me and the corner. "I'm in egg!" she said. She had quite a time pretending to hide under the covers, laughing gleefully while we "looked" for her. She also snuggled quite a bit. Watching football wears you out.

- After watching some football, he played and played and got really pooped around 5. She curled up in my lap and watched The Incredibles. It was very sweet. She perked up when it was time for dinner, but wasn't too thrilled when she saw we were having a new type of pizza. She's more of a pepperoni girl, I guess. She ate about three bites and then asked for a piece of candy (from the advent calendar). I convinced her to eat half a banana, but she again asked for the candy. She drank a little milk and then got the candy. She likes this advent calendar thing!

- When it was time for bed, she found a necklace that she wears occasionally from her dress-up supply. She put it on her dad and said, "You look great!" She put it on me and said nothing. I asked if I could have a kiss to go with my necklace; she bent down and kissed the necklace. I see where I stand!

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