Friday, December 4, 2009

She's Definitely 2!

Lauren has been in fine form these last few days. After being an angel for months and all the time I've spent bragging that she's not really in her terrible twos, she's suddenly possessed by toddler-ness.

Her new thing is that she wants to do everything for herself, and if you should happen to do it for her, she'll want to start all over again and do it herself. This goes from getting down from the high chair to getting out of the car to walking down steps. She definitely is wanting to be in charge of moving from place to place. Unfortunately, this isn't the most expedient way of doing things.

Everything is also hers right now and no one else's. This goes for food, clothes, her blanket, and her mommy. She's being a little bit of a terror at Gymboree and at daycare and has definitely regressed in the concept of sharing.

She's also getting a little bit of a sassy mouth. "Law-wen do it!", "My turn!", "My have it!", and "No, mine!" are all constant refrains in our house, as are, "Leave alone!", "My stuck!" and "My help-a you?" 'My' is her substitution for 'I' if you couldn't tell.

She's being really tough about getting dressed in the morning and in getting into bed at night. The conditions have to be just perfect and, of course, they're never perfect. So, she's pretty much a demon for the first hour and last hour of the day. Makes getting to work kind of a nice escape, to tell you the truth.

The silver lining in all of this is that I know that this is totally normal toddler behavior and that it's really just a phase. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

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