Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post-Holiday Slump

Lauren has really been running on fumes these last few days post-Christmas. She's still not napping, so by 3 pm, she's pretty well done. Of course, she's a stubborn little thing, so she won't go to bed until it's been dark a while. That means she's up until at least 6 and is just ragged by then.

Today was a great example of all of this. She got up happily at 8 to go to church with her dad, all decked out in a new dress, shoes, and headband. I even managed to get a photo of her that didn't have her hand in front of her face. After church, we just hung around the house while she played and played with her new toys. Around 3, we headed out to go to the library and a couple of places down in Edmonds. We were too close to the witching hour, though, and she lost it several times while we were there. Over nothing, of course.

We got her home and she watched some Max and Ruby while leaning up against her dad, as if she was too tired to even hold her head up on her own. She had huge bags under her eyes, so that might have been part of the weight problem. I made dinner and she happily ate that, requesting candy for dessert. After that, we put her in her pj's and dressed up her skinned knee from earlier in the day with a Hello Kitty bandaid. Of course, she melted down several times while we changed her, accusing me, her dad, and one of the dogs of pushing her. It's a conspiracy!

She had a few great moments of clarity, though, as she helped us clean up the playroom. She actually did a really nice job of putting things away. Miraculous, I tell you. What was even more miraculous was how she went to bed: we got her upstairs and were saying that we were going to read a couple of books and put her to bed. Once we got in her room, I put the new pillow and blanket from her Nana on her bed. She saw that and said, "I have to go to bed!" while diving in. She snuggled in, had us cover her up with the blanket and closed her eyes. It hasn't been that easy since... well, ever! I think she was finally just done with this holiday thing.

Our daycare is closed all week, so Lauren will be home with me. I'm sure I'll have lots to report. Come to think of it, I'd better go ahead and go to bed to get rested!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad she likes her new quilt, and even happier for you and Jeremy if it makes bed time easier. Holidays are a huge strain on little ones!(and mum and dad).
