Friday, December 18, 2009

More Lauren-isms

Just a random collection of things she's said lately:

- Once Lauren realized that there were buttons to be pressed in the world, there was no stopping her. If you're on the computer, she's sidled right up next to you, trying to "help." If you're getting her out of the car, she's trying to click the side door lights off and on. If you're exiting a building, she's looking for the handicapped door activation. If you're in the shower, she always wants to let the water out at the end by pushing down the shower button once you've turned off the water.

The thing that makes this all very cute instead of very irritating is the way she asks to help. "Tap the bunt?" she says each time. "I tap the bunt!" It's really cute. No matter how many time I clearly enunciate 'button' it's always "bunt!"

- Last night she was reading a book in the backseat on the way home from daycare and she suddenly said, very clearly, "Somebody ripped this." I looked back, and she was right: someone had ripped the page. It was a secondhand book, so she was probably right that it was "somebody."

- She's been talking to herself a lot lately, but I only hear what she's saying about 10% of the time. The other day she was walking up the steps to the house saying something about, "So cool. So cute." Has she been watching GAP commercials?

- She loves to look for things in books and then find them. As I drive to daycare in the morning, it's a constant stream of, "Where Mommy go? There's Mommy! I found her! Where Daddy go?" and so on. Of course, she's "finding" us in her book based on the movie "Cars" so I'm not totally sure what she means. She's just awfully like Christopher Columbus in her "finding" of things.

- It's been really fun watching her play with pronouns and figure out how to construct a sentence. Just today she said, "You pushed me" when before she would have said, "Mommy pushing Lauren." It's amazing from one day to the next how her understanding of the complex rules of English grows. She still says everything is a "she" though.

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