Thursday, December 17, 2009


Lauren did great with Santa last night! We arrived at 6 o'clock, but the line was really crazy. We decided to go eat first, and came back after an hour. Of course, the line was even longer. I thought that going on a week night would be a sure thing!

I stood in line while Jeremy took Lauren a little ways away and played with her. There were little firetrucks you can rent for children, and she set up shop in one of those. I kept looking over and could just see her getting more and more tired and was worried that she'd absolutely lose it when the moment came.

It got to where I was just a few people back from Santa, so I called Lauren and Jeremy over. They have this fun house mirror that Lauren had a fantastic time looking in for a few minutes. Then we turned the corner and there he was! Lauren looked up at me and said, "I wanna sit on his lap." I actually had to hold her back from running up there. Once Santa made the motion for her to come up, she went running, arms outstretched. She posed well for the pictures and even smiled on cue. I was bowled over!

I'm shocked it went so well, but am glad it did. I'll be sending out photos soon!

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