Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Getting into the Holiday Spirit

Miss Lauren did a few things today that showed her holiday spirit, or in one case, her lack thereof:

- At daycare they made these adorable little Rudolphs. It's basically a diamond of brown construction paper folded so that it makes a triangle. This is Rudolph's mouth. They then traced around her hands for the antlers and pasted on two eyes, the tongue, and, of course, the red nose. When Lauren showed this to me, she flapped the mouth a few times and said, "Raaaah Raaaah Raaaah." I don't remember that part of Rudolph's story.

Actually, I do know where it comes from. There's this great little book she loves called "Daffodil, Crocodile" and the character says, "Raaah Raaah Raaah Chomp Chomp Chomp." That's become a common refrain in our house, and evidently, Rudolph says it too.

- I was about to cook dinner and asked Lauren if she'd like to hear some Christmas music. She said, "No Christmas music!" and proceeded to roll around on the floor crying and screaming when I put it on anyway. I eventually stopped it because she was just ruining the festive atmosphere. What in the heck got into her, I wonder?

- She's really enjoyed opening all the Christmas cards with me and looking at all the pictures. We got one today that is really neat: it folds out into a little partridge in a pear tree. As I showed it to her, I sang, "And a partridge in a pear tree" in sort of a faux bass. She looked at the tree and sang in a similarly low tone, "And a bird." What a cutie!

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