Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Busy Days, Busy Girl

Whew! These last few days have absolutely flown by! On Monday, Lauren and I mostly hung aroung the house and got things cleaned up from Christmas, though we did duck out for a bit to buy her some boots. We got her some awesome butterfly boots, pictures forthcoming. Yesterday, we went to the Children's Museum in the morning, came home to "rest" (no rest to be had for her, of course), and then went to Gymboree. Today, we went to our friends' house to play and then down to Seattle to meet Jeremy at the running store and for dinner. We've been running ourselves ragged, though it's been really fun!

Some funny things she's said along the way:

- She's added a new complaint to her repertoire. We went from "Daddy's pushing" to "You hurt me" to now "Why you hurt me, Mama?" Great, kid; people are going to think I'm abusing you.

- She's started asking "Why?" questions. I knew this would be starting soon. So far, she's asked me why I was recycling a bottle, why I was cleaning the tub, and why I dumped out old milk. She seemed satisfied with my answers. For now.

- Today as we got ready for lunch at Brooke and Kailey's house, she was sitting in the high chair. Out of the blue she says, "I'm really happy, Mommy." Isn't that sweet?

- Also today: Brooke is pregnant and as she stood one time, she noticed that Lauren was looking at her. She patted her belly and said, "I have a big belly, don't I?" Lauren looked at her appraisingly and said, "And nipples." I almost died.

Finally, today we had a potty breakthrough! There have been a couple of weekends where we have tried pottytraining, but it hasn't been very successful. She can go if I take her every 15 minutes, but doesn't seem to really know when she needs to go. Today, she was lying naked on our bed after a shower. Suddenly she jumped up, said, "I have to go potty" and ran in and did her business, just like that! I was so proud of her! Maybe this is a new beginning?

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