Monday, December 7, 2009

Aaaannnddd She's Back!

We kept Lauren home from daycare today after the episode last night. Of course, she was up before the sun and demanded extra pancakes at breakfast. Jeremy stayed home with her and reported that she played as normal all day. She did wear down a little early tonight and looked a little peaked, but she'll be fine after a good sleep.

I am going to have to keep her home tomorrow, though, since she still had a bit of an upset tummy today, not that it slowed her down. I imagine she'll spend the day flitting from activity to activity, stopping every so often to ask for juice or to watch Max and Ruby. Not much stops her.

Her randomness with President Obama continues. This morning, she was pulling up the blinds as she now does every day. Jeremy said, "Thank you, Lauren." She said, "You're welcome, President Obama!" Strange, huh? The only thing we can figure out is that Lauren only says that when Jeremy is wearing something Carolina-related, so she must have made the connection somehow. Whatever it is, it's cute.

I was proud of her the other day: I was trying to teach her to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. I only mentioned it once, not thinking she'd pick it up. Yesterday, our friend Sandie told Lauren she liked her tights and, without any prompting, said, "Thank you." I was so proud!

One other cute story: She's really getting the hang of the different rituals at church. In particular, she's started kneeling before she enters the pew, both when they arrive at church and when coming back from communion. How cute is that?

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