Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Night Moves

Lauren has been quite active these last two nights. Last night at 3:40, I heard knocking on her door. I got up and opened her door to find her standing there, holding her blanket on her outstretched hands. "I made birthday cake for Daddy!" she says brightly. I went all the way into the room and sat down while she told me that the cake had "Marshmallow Squirters" on it, which is from one of her Max and Ruby books. She kept asking where her Daddy was and thought I kept saying he was asleep, she wanted to go see him. Finally, she just started knocking on the door. That did wake him, so I just brought her into our room to sleep. Luckily, she settled in quickly and went right back to sleep, and stayed until morning. We never did get that cake, though.

Tonight, I was out at a friend's while Jeremy stayed home. We had both put Lauren to bed, but he started hearing noises coming from her room. He peeked in, and she was sitting on top of a shelf by the window, looking out. "I'm looking out the window!" She had taken everything off the shelf and gotten up there, Jeremy thinks to look at the Christmas lights. He eventually got her back into bed, though there was a little bit of a disagreement over whether or not she should wear pj's. They reached a compromise, though: evidently sweatpants and a shirt counted enough for both of them.

Here's hoping that she sleeps through the rest of the night, or else really does bring cake.

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