Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A flair for the dramatic

As Lauren is getting older, I'm seeing more and more of a tendency towards being a little dramatic. I call it her "Drama Monkey" mode. If she's the least bit sad about something, she adopts this droopy body posture and sad face and walks around the house, sighing. It's hysterical.

Never was this more evident than last night. She and I watched the movie "Annie" which she really seemed to enjoy. I tried to explain parts along the way, and I think she got the gist of the movie. I made sure to make it clear that it was a happy ending. After it was over, though, she went into "Drama Monkey" mode. She was so limp with sadness that I had to carry her upstairs. I kept asking her what was wrong, but she'd only sigh, "I'm sad." I asked her what she wanted for dinner, but she just kept burying her face in the couch as she sagged up against it. Finally, a good tickling from Daddy set her back right.

The other day, she was standing on the two dining chairs (as she's not supposed to) and somehow fell down between them. Her quote to Jeremy as he asked if she was okay? "I need a band-aid. My ankle fell off."

Monday, November 1, 2010

My little love

Yesterday, Lauren and I were snuggled on the chair while Jeremy watched football. Out of the blue, she said, "I love you, Mama." My heart melted into a little puddle. It's the first time she's ever said it without me saying it first. Boy, was that sweet!

Yesterday was Halloween and she really enjoyed herself. We got her dressed around 5:30 and went out to the neigborhood for about 45 minutes. She really seemed to enjoy it, but still seemed a little tentative about the whole deal. She was good about saying her thank yous, but forgot 'trick or treat' a few times. Once she just said, "Candy!" and reached for the bowl the person was holding. I understand the feeling. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A girl after my own heart!

Today I brought Lauren and Jeremy each a doughnut for a Sunday morning treat. Lauren cruised through her orange-iced, black sprinkled cake doughnut and quickly began eyeing Jeremy eating his apple fritter.

"Can I have a bite?" she said.
"What do you say, babe?" asked Jeremy.
"Two bites!" she said.

I like how she thinks!

Also, she asks for a little cup of water every night before bed. The other night, I was nearly out the door when she remembered to ask for her water. "Can I have some water?" she asked. After a moment, "I mean... juice?"

Nice try! She did get the water, though.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

I've been getting worse and worse about writing these lately. It's not that Lauren isn't saying cute and funny things constantly, because she is, but I'm letting life intervene a little too much. I value writing these things down and need to make it more of a priority!

Right now, Lauren is really loving Halloween. She received a gorgeous hand-painted lamp with a Halloween witch motif from my stepmom Suzie the other day and just loves it. I decided to take the inspiration and do some decorating this weekend, so we have all kinds of pumpkins and witches and skulls and fake spiderwebs all over the main rooms of the house. She loves the decorations and tells everyone about them and has even taken to pointing out decorations when she sees them on our drives too and from daycare. I think this is going to be a good year.

She is going to be a butterfly, by the way. I took her to the store and let her choose what she wants to be, and that was it. The wings are nearly as big as she is, but she just had to have them. Many pictures to come, of course.

The other thing she's really excited about is that I found a Tigger template for our pumpkin. She's still really into Tigger and Pooh, so this was right up her alley.

She can sing the entire Tigger song now ("The wonderful thing about Tiggers..." one) and is so cute. I might have to try to catch it on video, with the only problem being that she tends to bounce out of the room when she sings it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Lauren's overall favorite book in the world is the Richard Scarry blue book that I had since I was a kid. She just loves looking at all the different details on the pages and pointing out different things to ask what they are.

Yesterday, she pointed to the playground picture and asked what the two animals were doing. "Leapfrog," I told her. She pointing to the bunny hopping over and said, "He's leap" and to the cat, "He's frog." I thought that was pretty clever!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lauren's Day

Lauren is having quite the vocal day. I'm constantly in awe of the things she says and today is one of those days where it feels like she's just so articulate the whole day. Of course, this is all through a child's lens, so some of it is pretty funny.

- First example, the very first thing she said to me this morning: She was wide awake when I went in at 6:45 and I had heard her talking for a few minutes. I was greeted with a huge smile. "Mommy?" she said, "Did you hear me tooting? I was tooting and tooting and tooting!"

- This afternoon she was playing outside and was out of view for a minute or two and then suddenly came walking back. In a very unconcerned tone, she said, "Mommy, I think the bee might have done this to me." She walked up and she had a huge bee stinger sticking out of her ankle! I told her she'd been stung by a bee and we pulled out the stinger. Aside from a little puffiness at her ankle, she had no other symptoms, so she seems to have weathered the first beet sting of her life! I was just amazed that she didn't cry and really wasn't upset at all. The way she told me was just so... adult.

- We were standing outside and suddenly this huge sphere comes hurtling out of the sky. After a moment, I realized it was a squirrel when it got up and ran back up a tree. We both laughed and then she starting telling me about it, "The squirrel fell down, out of the tree, and then he hit the ground, and then he was dead." She was outside with me a few weeks ago when there was a dead squirrel in the yard, so I was waiting for it to pop back up. Here it was! She didn't seem bothered by it, though, and went on about her business.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Miss Personality

We've been very busy in the last almost-month with the end of summer and beginning of school and Jeremy being out of town quite a bit. Along the way, Lauren has done and said many cute things:

-Right now, she's sitting and repeatedly calling Jeremy on my cell phone. He's at the Husky game and I'm sure she's driving him nuts, but she really wants to talk to him. Every time he answers (and she's doing all the dialing herself), she says, "I'm back" and launches into some description of what she did today or what zoo animal she is. It's really adorable.

-Speaking of zoo animals, we went to the zoo last week and had a wonderful time. Lauren was excited see all the animals and was buzzing between all of the exhibits, never staying long at one. She was most excited to see the giraffes, but probably spent the most time watching the elephants. She rechristened all the animals "Baby Lauren" which was pretty cute. If there was more than one in the area, one would usually be Daddy or Mommy or perhaps Sarah or Jeremy. The cute little one was always her, though. Of course.

-Lauren and I went camping a couple of weekends ago while Jeremy was out of town. We found a little farm outside of Carnation where you can camp on the edge of their property and then take part in some of the farm activities. She was so great in helping set up the tent and was just dying to get inside and hang out. I pretty much had to convince her to come up and see the animals, though she was interested once we got there. She just kept asking when we could go to bed! Finally, after making the poor child eat s'mores (I know... how terrible!) we made our way to the tent and read with the flashlights. After two stories, the lights went out and she was asleep in just minutes. She slept like a little log and woke up happy in the morning. We ate breakfast and visited the animals again and then broke camp. She was sad to go and talked about it for days. It was a great time and I can't wait to take her again.

-Her new thing right now is really wanting to be "Baby Lauren." She wants to held like a baby and often likes to baby talk. She also asks to wear a onesie and asked me to get out her bouncy seat. I think she's sensing that she's on the cusp of getting older and is trying to find a way to stop that from happening. Or maybe she just doesn't want to use the potty. Who knows?

-Her catchphrase of the moment is, "Is someone saying something?" in this very cute, sassy tone. It's adorable.

-She's loving Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now, especially the episode where Pluto rescues Goofy. She's adopted Pluto's way of saying, "Yeah yeah yeah." Very cute.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

No, it isn't

Lauren loves baths, but hates having her hair rinsed. I'm always trying to keep the water out of her eyes and as gentle as possible, and she just hates it. She gets really amped up and squirms around and only makes it worse. Bathtime is otherwise fun, but the hair rinsing isn't my favorite part.

Tonight, I told Lauren that I needed to rinse her hair. She said, "No, Mommy. That's not a good idea."

I thought that was putting it mildly, but articulately!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame...

Today Lauren and I joined Jeremy in Burien, south of Seattle, to watch a softball tournament he was playing in. The first priority for Lauren was to get on her white and pink Cardinals jersey, pink shorts, pink Crocs, and pink Mariners hat. (I should mention that that hat was purchased for her when she was 3 months old and while it still fits, it doesn't fit well.) She found her pink bat and pink glove (sensing a trend?) and away we went!

As the team got ready for the team, Lauren was very proud to walk around and show off her outfit and gear. A couple of times she even showed us a couple of practice swings, which frankly looked pretty good. You just had to be out of her way, as her eye was on the imaginary ball. She had a bit of a difficult time when she realized she wasn't going to be able to play, but she enjoyed watching and cheering and picking dandelions, so it all worked out. The ice cream during the second game helped tremendously. It was one tired little girl that finally wound down and went to bed tonight!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's all worth it

Lauren has been an absolute angel lately. An angel. That's not to say that she hasn't had a tantrum or drama moment here or there, but she's been so loving and sweet that those tense moments just melt away. She's very taken right now with giving the biggest hugs and saying, "I missed you!" even if she hasn't had the opportunity to miss you. I got several of those this evening even though we spent the entire day together!

She also gave Jeremy and I both a huge hug at the same time while saying, "I'm just so happy to be with my family!" Awww...

It makes me smile because I know that she must feel very loved to be able to say those things. And she is!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cutie Pie Redux

Lauren has said a couple of cute/amazing things lately, and I wanted to share them:

- We were walking in downtown Edmonds, and she pointed up at a house and said, "That's the 'merican flag." I had no idea she knew that! Must have picked it up from Miss VJ.

-We went blueberry picking and had a blast. She got a little tired at the end and didn't want to walk back to the car, but only because she did a lot of great picking in the hot sun! She ate and ate and picked and picked... it was so much fun.

Anyway, I made a bunch of muffins that night, including regular-sized and mini. The next morning, I picked her up and showed them sitting on the counter. I asked her, "Do you want the mini muffins, or...?" and she interrupted, saying, "These are Minnie muffins. These are Mickey muffins. These are Donald muffins." I love seeing her sense of humor!

-Today, she put all her babies and stuffed animals in her bed and was singing to them. I said, "You're a good mommy!" She said, "No! YOU'RE a good mommy!" Awww...

-Finally, she's been really great at saying "I love you too" lately. It's sweet, especially since I think she's starting to understand what it means.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mom Time

Lauren and I have been spending a ton of quality time together lately, since Jeremy is out of town for work. He was gone last week and now this week and then also next. Then, he'll be home for two weeks and then gone again. Luckily, Miss Lauren has been super cooperative and just a good girl in general, so it's not been too hard.

One cute thing was yesterday when we were watching a replay of So You Think You Can Dance. We've watched and rewatched the same episodes again and again and she's beginning to request them by her own little names. Yesterday, she was sitting on my lap and said, "Mommy, tie your shoes." I was barefoot, and so had no idea what she was talking about. She said it two more times after that and I just didn't know what she meant. Finally, she said, "My-my-my-my-my tie my shoes!" The lightbulb came on and I realized she was talking about a dance to "Boogie Shoes" by KC and The Sunshine Band. It's one of her favorites. I love that she figured out how to tell me what she wanted!

We did have a scare on Tuesday, when she had another of her febrile seizures. This was her third and came out of nowhere. She wasn't coming out of it very well and had pretty blue lips and so I called 911. We ended up going to the hospital and getting her checked out. Other than a high fever, she was fine in just a couple of hours. It was actually a little funny: she went from totally zonked out sleeping to being very irritated with the whole hospital thing. She really wanted to take off the monitor on her finger and kept asking to get down. Typical Lauren: ready to be busy and do her own independent thing!

I don't know if it's because of that scare or being home with me, but she's been really affectionate. She keeps giving me hugs and saying, "I missed you!" She's also been giving lots of kisses and hugs and being very sweet. Today, she gave me the biggest hug and said, "I love you soooo much!" It really feels like she's doing more than mimicking too; it seems she really means it! I love it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Narrator of her own story

Lauren's newest little speech quirk is that she likes to add "says" to sentences as she talks. For example, she'll say, "Let's go outside says Mommy." It's a little like she's narrating a story for me. It doesn't always make sense, but it's cute.

She also loves to add "new" to nouns. This started after my friend Laura had a baby and Lauren got to see pictures of the new baby. Now it's "Do you like my new shirt?" and "Here's my new cat." Again, it doesn't always make sense, but it's adorable.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lauren's split personalities

One of Lauren's favorite things is to tell us, "You be the mom, I'll be the baby!" in this little sing-songy voice. She changes it up often, sometimes with me being the dad and her being the brother... you get the idea.

The other night as I was tucking her in bed, Lauren was trying to stall by talking to me. She started up the, "You be the..." and changed her mind several times over. First I was the dad and she was the baby, then we were frogs, then we were kitties, and finally we were horses. I love her imagination, but it can be a little hard to keep up with!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Little Mockingbird!

Today when we got home, Lauren wanted to stay outside and pick flowers. I told her no, that I needed her to come inside. She said, "I'll be outside if you need me."

She's really starting to mimic so many of the things we say. It's adorable, but also a little weird to hear our words coming from her!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lauren's trip to the beach

I've been MIA lately because we took a lovely family vacation to Seaside, Oregon, and we left all laptops behind. It was wonderful!

Lauren, of course, had a brilliant time in Seaside. Besides the fact that it's on the beach, it's just made for kids with a long promenade to run on and lots of fun shops to look in. They have amazing ice cream and candy shops and a beautiful carousel. Lauren had never been on one, and she ended up getting to ride three times over the course of our trip. The first time, she chose a regular brown horse. The second time, she chose a black cat with a gold fish in its mouth, and the final time she chose a "reindeer" that I think was just a regular deer. She loved every second!

She also had a great time on the beach. The water was frigid, though you'd never know it watching Lauren. She loved running in and out of the surf and flopping down in the little pools that were created as the time went out. Digging in the sand was another favorite, and on our last full day, we made a sandcastle. Jeremy and I were in charge of the major engineering, of course, but she really helped.

Another highlight is that two of college couple friends joined us down there and brought their children, so Lauren had year-old Joel and six-month-old Addie to play with. She had the best time helping the moms and entertaining the babies. I know I've said it before, but she's really great with kids. She's an enthusiastic, loving little helper.

A couple of Lauren funnies from the week:

-In the bath tub, when Jeremy said he was getting the shampoo: "No, Daddy! It's shamTIGGER!" Get it?

-As I put her plate down in front of her: "Eating is my favorite game!"

-I was getting her into her bathing suit and told her she was cute. "No, Mommy," she said, "I'm GREAT!"

Sunday, July 4, 2010

All By Myself!

For the Fourth of July today, we took Lauren to a friend's house with a pool. Despite the 65 degree weather with sprinkling rain, she got a little swim in. Jeremy went in with her, but it immediately became evident that that wasn't okay. She kept trying to push him away, telling him to get out and that he was done. She really just wanted to swim by herself, even though she's really not capable of that yet! Finally, she agreed to "swim" to him, which was really just her jumping into his arms from the steps. She seems determined to swim, though, so it may not be far off.

At one point, he started singing "Pop Goes The Weasel" with the intent of tossing her in the air when he got to the "Pop!" She shushed him, though, saying, "Daddy, stop singing. You don't sing very well."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yes, He Would

Lauren's new thing in the last couple of days: when she finishes a puzzle or drawing, she sits back and says, "Uncle Jason would love this!" No idea where she got that from, but it's so cute!

Today I took her to sign her up for pre-ballet lessons to and to buy the leotard, tights, and shoes. We got a little tour of the studio so that she could see the mirror and the barre. I specifically showed her the barre since I knew she hadn't seen one and said, "This is where you will dance." Later when I got her out of the car she said, "I'll dance in the bar, Mommy?" Not quite, kiddo.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bedtime Ritual

Lauren is a child that likes structure and her bedtime routine is no different. She really seems to like going to bed, but just has a certain way of going about it.

She's in bed every night between 7 and 7:30, unless it's an extremely special occasion. After dinner, we wipe her hands and face with a washcloth and she heads towards the bathroom while we sing the toothbrushing song from Raffi. She does a decent job of brushing her teeth and then I take a few swipes at them to finish her off.

Then, we head back to her room and she gets into her diaper (for now, fingers crossed) and pjs. Then, we read two or three stories, depending on the length. Right now, her favorites are Green Eggs and Ham, Tickety-Tock What Time Is It? (a perennial favorite), and Curious George and The Bunny. Minnie's Slumber Party and Donald Duck's Some Ducks Have All The Luck are also favorites. They're also both really long, but she loves them!

Once we've read, we put her into her "sleeping bag", aka her Pack N Play (for now) and pile on the blankets. She must have three: her favorite pink "blankie" on the bottom, another pink blanket with a silky edge next, and finally, the butterfly comforter. Once she's all tucked in, she requests a little water. Finally, with all of that, she goes to sleep.

And if that's what we have to do to make it that easy, I'm happy to do it!

Something cute from tonight: She went over and picked out her first book and said, "This is good. To start."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Lauren's newest thing is to come up to me while I'm doing something, look up at me and say, "What'cha doin', missy?" Sometimes 'missy' turns into 'Little Miss' or 'Daisy.' I have no idea where she got it from, but it's adorable!

Tonight my friend Diana was over and Lauren told her, "My mommy is a lady." Again, I don't know where that come from, but again, it's adorable.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Conversationalist

Lauren is a fairly shy little girl, like I was as a child. When she meets new people, mostly adults, she gets really clingy and hides behind my leg. After a little time, she'll warm up and once she warms up, she'll talk their ear off! With children, she is decidedly more friendly from the get-go, but still takes a while to get warmed up.

Lately, though, she seems to be really making an effort to talk to adults. Today, she started a new Little Gym class with a new teacher, and I wasn't sure how she'd handle that. As soon as we walked in, she went right up to the new teacher and said, "My name is Law-wen! This is Sarah!" I was proud of her and her introduction-making. Of course, she followed up with her, "My mom takes me outside!" Once they got into class, she even plopped right down on his lap. Guess she's okay with the change!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Lauren Collection

As usual, I have gotten totally overwhelmed with school ending in the last two weeks and have thus neglected my blogging duties. I've been conscientious about writing down funny things she's said, though, so I have some material.

-In the "She'd have been thrilled if she heard that" department, today as she was walking into church in her rain coat and pink backpack, a young teenage boy behind her said in a faux whisper, "She looks like Dora the Explorer!" Unfortunately, she didn't hear him.

-The other day when I was getting into the front seat after strapping her in, Lauren said, "Mama, can I drive?"

-She's really making an effort to make conversation with everyone lately, which is cute. Normally, she likes to randomly tell people, "My mom and dad take me outside." I guess she tells VJ's son Denver that every day. The other day as we were leaving the vet, she turned and said, "Thank you for seeing my dog." I thought that was brilliant!

-Every night when she finishes dinner, we wipe her hands with a washcloth. The other night, she folded it in half and then half again so that it was a long strip. She then rolled it up and said, "Look! A snail!"

-She has a kid's cookbook that she absolutely adores. She leafs through it every day, looking at the pictures. The other day, she was sitting and looking at it. "Mama?," she said, "Can we make cookies?" I told her no, that we were about to make dinner. "Can we make cookies for dinner?" I wish I could have said yes!

-I made two seemingly small purchases at Target that have just rocked her world:

1.)I found a hula hoop that was just her size. She has had the best time trying to figure out how to use it. When she's not making attempt after attempt to spin it around her waist, she loves to put it on the floor and jump in and out of it.

2.)I found a little step stool in their $1 bin. After about an hour of having it home, she took it into the bathroom and pottied all by herself! She even told Jeremy to stay out! She hasn't been interested in pottying at all, but this evidently was what she wanted! Hopefully, this will take!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The big girl and the small girl

This afternoon, Lauren was helping me carry the laundry basket up the stairs. As we climbed, she said, "The big girl and the small girl are carrying the laundry basket up the stairs."

As usual, I thought her use of language was just really cool and wanted to share it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

At least she's honest!

This morning, Jeremy took Lauren to church, and she played quietly for the first five minutes. She then looked up at him and said, "I need to play, Daddy." He said, "No, honey, its time to listen right now." Distressed look on her face, she said, "I CAN'T listen!"

He decided it was best to listen to her and take her to the nursery. Much better outcome than keeping an unruly toddler in the sanctuary!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Smart!

I had one of those moments today where I was just bursting with pride over how smart Lauren is.

One of the best parts of my day is our drive home from VJ's. I love chatting with Lauren about her day, hearing how she thinks and how she's using the language. I try to ask her specifics about what she colored or designed with Play-doh, who she played with, and what songs they sang. She probably hates the interrogation, but I love it!

Today, there was a lull in the conversation, so I started telling her about opposites. I told her that night is the opposite of day, that black is the opposite of white, etc. Then I asked her what she thought the opposite of big is. After a few moments of her not answering, I told her that small is the opposite of big. I then asked her what the opposite of wet is. Again, she didn't answer, so I told her that it's dry. Then I asked her what the opposite of big is. "Small!", she said instantly. "Dry!", she said when I asked her for the opposite of wet. She remembered what I said well.

The best part was when we got home. I asked her what the opposite of up is, which I hadn't asked her before. After a moment, she said down! In that short time, she understood the concept of opposite! I also asked her what the opposite of happy is and she said sick. I think that's pretty smart.

I just love watching her brain work!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Funny Girl

As I say time and time again, Lauren's language is developing more and mroe evey day. It's often pretty funny, too. For example:

- We were all in the kitchen and I was eating a handful of almonds. "I love nuts," I said to Jeremy. Lauren then says in a sing-song voice, "I love nuts. I love the bedroom. I love bed."

- That same night, Jeremy and I were chatting and he shushed me playfully. Lauren said, "Daddy! Why you shhhh Mommy?" She's looking out for me I guess!

On a not-cute note, I got to watch Lauren turn into a demon the other day. I arrived at VJ's just in time to see her push her friend Chloe. Chloe kind of pulled a toy out of Lauren's hand. Lauren's cheeks turned red, her eyes got really big, and I swear she bared her teeth at Chloe, all before pushing her. I wasn't amused, but was amazed at how quickly her face changed like that!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Little Helper

Lauren and I went to Costco today and she was actually a huge help! She walked along next to the cart and helped me steer it. When it came time to put the purchase in the cart, she'd do her best to heave it up and over the side. When I went to check out, she helped me put things on the conveyor and watched intently as the man scanned each item. Then she took the receipt up to the checker at the door and got it marked. If she could have put everything in the car and then taken it into the house, I think she would have! I really appreciated her help. What a good girl!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dancing Queen

Last night, Lauren went with Jeremy and me to her first wedding. My college roommate Lindy was married and it was a very nice time. Perfect wedding to take a child to: simple, short (but lovely) ceremony, kid-friendly food on the buffet, and best of all, a shiny big dance floor.

First, Lauren and her two new friends Henry and Violet, ran around and around and around the floor, shrieking and laughing. Then, they took to jumping up and down, and in Lauren's case, pulling up her dress.

Then, as in all weddings, the music came on. After I restrained her through the first family dances, she took off. She leaped and danced and whirled and basically boogied down without stopping. She would take my hands or Jeremy's hands or both and twist and jump. She kept taking the bottom, fluffy layer of her dress and pick it up so the skirt popped up and even managed to put that into her dancing. In other words, she had a ball! It was difficult to get her to leave and she was one tired girl when we got home. I have a feeling it won't be hard to convince her to go to our next wedding this summer.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finding Her Voice

Lauren has been, shall we say, testing the limits lately. I don't know if it's just a function of just being three or if it's her personality or both. It's sort of funny and definitely irritating at the same time.

Her first new trick has been being really bossy. She has no problem telling you where to sit and where to stand and how to do so. She demands food and certain toys and tells you exactly what you need to do to entertain her. It's all in this imperious little voice with a trace of indignation that you're not moving fast enough. It's all very charming.

A recent example of this was at Gymboree. She was with her babysitter Anna; I was at a meeting. She demanded that Anna get in this little flimsy fabric tunnel and as soon as Anna squeezed herself in, Lauren walked away. She just wanted to make her do it, I think.

Lauren's second trick is tattle-telling. I think this is something she picked up from daycare. Every day she comes home with some story of woe of how another kid did her wrong. They usually pushed her or took something from her. At least, that's what she says. VJ has also told me that Lauren is quite on top of what the other kids are doing and that she has no compunction about telling VJ when someone steps out of line. I think she's going to be a kindergarten teacher.

The final new trick is the doozy: she's started lying. Recently, she ran to tell her dad several times in a row that I pushed her. She then came back to me and said, "You're in trouble. So, she knows what she's doing. She knows there are consequences for me if she tells on me. The first time she said it, I told her what she was doing was called lying and that it was wrong, that it hurt other people. The second time, I repeated myself and tried to be very firm. The final time, she went into timeout and had to apologize to me. I didn't want to come down too hard this this was her first time really doing this, but do want to nip it in the bud. I don't need a little sociopath after all.

Overall, though, Lauren is a very happy, charming, sweet, and loving little girl. She's just coming into her own and is finding this little independent streak which is kind of fun to watch. Just as long as she leaves me out of it!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Trend Continues...

I have been absolutely swamped at work the last couple of weeks, but have been keeping track of the funny things that Lauren comes up with:

- We were talking to the car after daycare when she suddenly said, "It's like the chameleon, Mommy!" I wonder what they were reading that day?

- The other day when she arrived at VJ's, she said, "Your girl is here, Miss VJ!" and then, "My belly is hungry."

- Just now I was wiping her face after dinner and she was resisting. She said, "You have to be nice to Lauren!"

Friday, May 7, 2010

Expressing Herself

I know I keep saying this, but Lauren's language development in these last months just blows me away. Not only is she understanding and using the more complex forms in her speech, but her pronunciation and enunciation are just amazing. Of course, I am her mom, and I'm sure that I understand her better than your average bystander, but I really do think she speaks clearly (and thoughtfully) for her age.

Last night, I was holding her in my arms and she suddenly whacked me on the face with her fist. Startled, I said, "Lauren! What are you doing?" "Using a hand hammer, Mama!" Now, it's not okay that she hit me and I dealt with that pretty swiftly, but you have to admit, 'hand hammer' is actually pretty descriptive. I'm such a language nerd that my kid hits me and I find something cool about it. Ridiculous.

Yesterday, as we were leaving daycare, I was talking to VJ as we were headed out the gate. I wasn't paying any attention and started to shut the gate with Lauren's finger in it. She was trying to touch the hinge, I think. I felt absolutely awful and she cried and cried. I went ahead and got her in the car to try to distract her as she didn't seem that hurt, more afraid. After a few minutes of driving, she said, "My finger feels better, Mama. Can I have some ice cream?" Way to work it, kid. She owns me!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Of Course They Are

This afternoon, Lauren and I were in the car on the way to Gymboree. Out of the blue, she said, "The dog is playing with the skunk." And that's it. Nothing else to follow it up. I didn't see anything out the window that would have made sense for her to be commenting on. It's like she's talking in super secret agent code!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Runner Girl, Part II

This afternoon, I get to go meet my running buddy through Girls on the Run, a program that matches tween girls with adult female runners to run with them in their first 5k. Today is our first practice together and I'm so excited to meet my girl.

Because of timing, I have to take Lauren with me and run with her in the stroller. I told her as we were leaving the house that she'd get to run with Mommy today. "Yes!" she says. That really warmed my heart.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lauren is suddenly afraid of things, out of the blue. She's never shown any fear of animals, heights, spiders, loud noises... nothing. In fact, she's quite brave, never really showing any fear of mom and dad leaving the room or fear of jumping from heights or trying new things. Not surprising, considering what a brave, independent girl she is!

Lately, though, she's been acting really jumpy. When we get home and I go to let the dogs out, she rushes to get behind the couch. A couple times, she's verbalized that she's scared of the dogs, but otherwise, she acts completely normal around them. I don't think anything has happened that makes her feel this way; I think it's just a new little anxiety.

This all came to a head last night when she got spooked by our cat, Thomas. He's a small gray cat and tends to skitter around, popping out of shadows when you least expect it. Last night, Lauren was in the hallway and he came out of nowhere. She shouted, "Thomas scared me!" and started laughing. I went back to what I was doing in the kitchen when a few minutes later I hear this banshee-wail coming from down the hall. I was seriously afraid that she'd hurt herself. I found her screaming her way down the hall, in tears. She dove into my arms and cried and cried, finally telling me that Thomas scared her "again!" She was fine after a few minutes, but it really was spooky. I've never seen my poor kiddo like that before! I hope this is a phase that passes quickly.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Running Girl

Lauren has grown up seeing her dad and I going for runs and it's definitely rubbed off. If I have my running clothes on, she'll ask if I'm going for a run. She's been known to put on my iPod and run around the house and she absolutely loves to run outside. We can't wait to get her into some of the kids races we see so often.

This morning, I was headed out for a long run with my friend Karen, when I mentioned to Jeremy that he and Lauren would be welcome to go. She jumped right on that idea! She immediately asked for her most running-like shoes and set about putting them on. She was super happy about geting dressed and getting her hat and coat on. She even went over to the couch and put her leg up as if she was stretching! It was so cute! She got a little tired of sitting in the stroller after a while, but she seemd to have a good time in general. Hopefully that's foreshadowing of what she'll do as an adult!

A few things from the "Where did she learn that?" file:

- This morning, she came into our bed while we were all waking up. She kept saying, "I spy..." Neither of us have ever taught her that; she must have picked that up at daycare.

- For a couple days, she's been carrying around a broom, asking us to hold onto one end while she held on to the other. Finally, she got Jeremy to cooperate just the way she wanted and they both came into the kitchen. "Come on, Mommy!" she said. It suddenly clicked that she was trying to get us to play limbo! How cute is that?

Monday, April 19, 2010

She's Ready!

Today after I picked her up at VJ's, I decided to take her to the park. It was a nice enough day and she's been loving being outside lately.

I watched her playing for a while and then she instructed me to go sit on the bench. She continued to run around and play, occasionally calling out to "Rabbit", whoever that is.

After an hour or so, I told her we needed to pick up and head home. On the way, we drove past another park, one that's probably a favorite. She said, "I'm ready!" "Ready for what, hon?" I asked. "To go to the park!" she said.

A little optimism never hurts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Little Flashes of Attitude

As I've said in recent posts, Lauren's language abilities have grown by leaps and bounds as of late. She's speaking in full sentences pretty much all the time now and is getting really creative in her sentence construction. She's getting the hang of pronouns finally and it's amazing how she picks up new words and adds them to her arsenal on almost a daily basis. It's pretty incredible.

What's not so incredible is that she's also picking up on some bad behaviors and occasionally gets a little bit of an attitude. I thought this wasn't supposed to start so soon!

-Today she was sitting, eating dinner and I fumbled some things in the refrigerator, dropping her sippy cup. It rolled out of the kitchen and past her. She looked at me and said acidly, "What are you doing to my cup, Mama?"

-I can't remember the exact exchange, but she said something with a little bit of incorrect wording. I did what I usually do: repeat what she just said, subbing in the correct word. She gave me the stinkeye, said, "No," and repeated her sentence as it originally was, very slowly and distinctly. You know how people speak slowly and loudly when someone is hard of hearing or doesn't speak English? That's exactly how it was. If she knew how to roll her eyes, she would have.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today's going to be one of those posts where I talk about how cute and funny Lauren has been lately and then can't remember any of it to report. She's really been speaking in full sentences lately and just comes up with these little zingers that are really funny. Not that I remember any of them.

She did go on and on yesterday about where my water bottle was. In the morning, I had it with me. In the afternoon, I had left it at work. This preoccupied her the entire ride home. She'd ask me where it was, I would tell her, and she'd ask again. She'd be a good FBI agent. I don't know that my answer was ever satisfactory.

She amazed me yesterday as we were driving to VJ's. A car pulled in front of us that looks just like Chloe's mom's car. Lauren said, "There's Chloe!" It wasn't, and I felt bad breaking it to her, but I was amazed she could remember the car.

I mentioned right after she turned three that she wasn't able to jump with both feet. Well, she's able to now! We drew some shapes on the sidewalk in chalk over the weekend and she's been using them as a hopscotch board of sorts. As she was hopping around I noticed both feet were coming up at the same time! Also, today she walked up the steps outside with alternating feet. She'd never done that before, either. It's a amazing how things click.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lauren's Photography

Yesterday, Lauren got a hold of our camera and was very interested in learning how to use it. As you can see in the photos below, she did pretty well! She even documented her Pull-up change.

Potty-training is still going well. Today she told us twice when she needed to go, which is fabulous. She's still averaging about an accident a day, but it's really due more to our timing; I think we need to go back to setting alarms. She's patient with it, though, and it doesn't seem to be setting her back. I'm amazed this is going so well!

She did something really cute the other day: she pottied on the toilet like a big girl. As I was getting her all wiped and covered, she said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" like a little show woman. Where did she learn that?

Today, when she went into the public restroom with her dad, they had to wait in line for a moment as there was only one stall. They heard the toilet flush and Lauren loudly exclaimed, "He did it!" This is the same girl that insisted that I receive an M&M for my pottying this morning, so she's definitely getting into it. Enthusiasm for it is half the battle, right?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Going Strong!

We're now just shy of two weeks that Lauren has been using the potty and it's going really, really well. She's averaging only a single accident a day and it's really more because we've lost track of time in taking her. Just in the last day she's told us twice that she needed to go, so I think that's a really good sign. We're really making progress!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Lauren has been saying the oddest things lately, mostly in the car:

-"Mama, I don't want to eat the chicken."

-"Daddy's naked ... Daddy's dressed up."

-"Mommy's driving. I'm driving. I'm going to church."

-She was singing "Pop Goes the Weasel" and we were playing with the words. She got started saying, "Pop Goes the Peanut!" and laughing like a loon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

She is Three!

Lauren made it into the threes! She had a fabulous day yesterday and made out like a little bandit. I think she could get used to this aging thing.

We started out the morning with her finding her Easter basket and getting right into it. I had gotten her mostly little trinkets and toys to try to stave off the sugar-fest, but had gotten a couple of pieces of chocolate as well. Of the trinkets and toys, she loved the kaleidoscope the best; I'm surprised I don't have a black eye from her shoving it in my face every couple of minutes. "Look at the colors, Mama!"

After that we made a little pancake breakfast and I even managed to make Lauren's pancake look like Mickey Mouse. This was a huge hit and I'm sure I'm going to be asked to "Make Mickey Mouse?" until the cows come home. She got to try using a child-sized knife to cut her pancakes for the first time, but ended up picking up Mickey by the ears and eating him from the chin up. Little cannibal.

Once that was all done, she got to open some gifts. I'm not sure how much she understood of the whole Easter AND birthday thing, but she certainlny wasn't objecting. She got a lot of nice things that are just perfect for her now: books, puzzles, more food for her kitchen. She's a lucky little girl!

After some playtime, we headed out to Granny Sarah's for Easter with the family. Lauren got to do a little egg hunt inside, though I'm not totally sure she gets that either. There were many, many eggs at her height, but she only picked up selected ones. Still was fun,though, and I have a feeling next year will be a free-for-all.

When it came to dinnertime, Lauren didn't eat at all. Of course. She was content to sit for about 5 minutes while we ate and then wanted to play. When it was time for dessert, she was more than willing to come to the table, though. She seemed embarrassed as we all sang to her, but was not embarrassed at all by the vast amounts of frosting she got on her face. Typical.

After that, it was straight into bed for the little monkey. Nothing to report there. She was a pretty tired little girl, naturally! It was a great start to her year!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tomorrow She Will Be Three

We just put Lauren to the bed for the last time as a two year old! What a bittersweet feeling. She seems to know that tomorrow is her birtday, but not quite what it means. She did tell me that we needed to go somewhere so that "friends can say happy birthday to Lauwen." Though, if you ask her how old she's going to be, she says "twelve" about half the time.

I've been reflecting on all of the things Lauren has done in the last year:
-She's really mastered speech and can share most of her ideas in complete sentences. She's constantly surprising and entertaining us with the things she says. She can also follow pretty complex verbal instructions.
-She's become quite a bit more physical, running and jumping with ease. She also does a really great somersault.
-Her coloring technique has improved greatly and she's starting to be able to make shapes.
-She's mastered her colors and shapes, can name all the months, say the alphabet, and can count to 22. She can recognize and spell her name.
-She's beginning to understand cause and effect and correlations; when she hears the nails of the dog clicking in our room, she knows the dog's going to sleep (especially if it's Jasper!)
-She's beginning to understand size relationships and here vs. there. She also knows the difference between boys and girls but mixes up the pronouns.
-She's started engaging in imaginary play, especially in relation to playing cook.
-She also shows a lot of interest in helping around the house, especially sweeping and cooking. She also is very good about asking for help when she needs it.
-She's been sleeping in a big girl bed ever since May of last year and has done really well with it. She occasionally wakes up around 3 am but gets herself back to sleep just fine.
-Potty training is still going really well; she's averaging about 90% using the potty and has even told us a couple of times when she needs to go. Still keeping fingers crossed!
-I think her personality has developed even more. She's a bright, charming little girl who loves fiercely and reacts fiercely when she isn't happy. She's independent and stubborn, both of which I think are very good things though a little difficult to negotiate at times. It's just been really fun to see her figure out who she is and I can't wait for that to continue.

Lauren is just such a joy in our lives and I can't wait to see what she's going to do next. She's more than we could have ever asked for. We love our girl very much and are endlessly proud of her! Let's see what great things the next year brings!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Good Day

This morning was my last day of Spring Break, and I took the opportunity to sleep in. I got Lauren up with the intention of taking her to VJ's and then going on to the gym. She, of course, wanted to snuggle, so I brought her into bed with me and gave her a cup of juice. We spent the next 15 minutes snuggling. And then another 15 minutes. And a little more. Finally, she said to me, "Mama, I don't wanna go to Miss VJ's." How can you argue with that?

So after the snugglefest, she and I got up and had a little breakfast. Then she watched some Sesame Street clips while I cleaned up around the house. I've posted a really cute video of her laughing at Adam Sandler and Elmo below.

After lunch, she and I went to three different grocery stores, looking for all the ingredients for this week's meals. She was getting really tired toward the end, but she was really sweet and helpful the whole time. In stores, it's a little hard to keep her near me and she doesn't love riding in carts, but she's working on it and we do okay together. Plus, she got stickers at Trader Joe's, so she was fine. I left early tonight to go out for a Bunco night, so I didn't get to see her off to bed and finish the day, but it was a wonderful day overall. I love my girl and feel so lucky to have her in my life!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just a Few More Days...

... of being two! We're in countdown mode now for sure! Lauren even seems to be getting excited.

Pottytraining is going great. She had one accident today and one today, but twice today requested to go potty, once to (how do I say this?) go #2. I was so proud! I think the accidents were more of a timing issue and I think she's really getting the hang of it! I'm just thrilled.

Today she said two cute things:
-As I was getting her out of the carseat at home, she said, "I want to be free!"
-As I was getting her out of the car at the grocery store she said, "Yay! Broccoli!"

She did a great job sharing today at daycare during the Easter egg hunt when her friend didn't have as many eggs. I'm just so proud of her more and more every day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Still at 100%!

Lauren went back to VJ's today and used the potty today with zero accidents! I'm so proud of her and, more importantly, she's proud of herself! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

I discovered today how truly difficult she is to shop for. Not for clothes, because she frankly couldn't care less about what I put her in. It's toys and other related things that are hard. She just doesn't like anything enough that I can look at it and say THAT'S IT! We bought a bike for her birthday (and she's not even that keen on that, yet) and another family member offered to put some money towards it that basically covered the whole thing. We decided that we needed to get her at least a little something else, something just from us. So, we tooled around two different, gorgeous toy stores looking for just the right thing.

And kept looking and kept looking...

She doesn't really love dolls. She doesn't love stuffed animals. She doesn't love cars. She loves books and puzzles, but she has a ton and I knew she might be getting some for her birthday. ... She just doesn't love anything, at least not to the extent of something she MUST HAVE. I'm glad, of course, that she's not whining every day for some plastic something that's the next big thing, but she could at least throw me a bone!

Finally, on the very top shelf, I found IT. I don't know what to call it, exactly, but it's a big bouncy ball with a handle that she can sit on and bounce. Actually, thanks to the powers of the Internet, I found a photo. I think she'll love it: she loves bouncing, and she loves pretending that she's Tigger. Also, she is a little behind in her gross motor skills related to jumping, so I think this will help. Perfect all around!

Now to see what she actually thinks...

Monday, March 29, 2010

With Flying Colors!

We had a very busy family day today which culminated in Lauren's 3-year checkup. She was cute, engaging, and most importantly, very healthy! She weighed 32.6 pounds and was measured at 36 inches, though I'd argue that she's closer to 37. Her height and weight are both great, according to the doctor.

Other than that, everything checked out just great. Ears, eyes, nose, heart, lungs, reflexes all fine. Teeth great. Meeting all her milestones and exceeding some others. Really, she couldn't be better and we couldn't be happier! And to top it off, she didn't need any shots!

Pottytraining day 3 continued today and it was just fabulous. We were out and about all day, so we had her in Pull-ups and just kept dragging her to the public restrooms. She never went in the Pull-up, always on the toilet, and seemed to be controlling it well. I'm just thrilled! Tomorrow she goes back to daycare and they'll continue the potty-training with her there. Crossing my fingers!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


We've been trying potty-training off and on for more than a year. We've had the potty around for her to see and get used to and have occasionally tried a weekend where we've made a big push. Lauren just hasn't been into it, though, and you don't want to force things with her. The second you start pushing her to potty is the second she quits on you, so we've taken some time on this.

I had been intending to try again this weekend for a while, since it's the beginning of Spring Break. It just seemed to be a good time, especially since she's about to turn three. And then yesterday, at Little Gym, we saw her disappear into the bathroom. I ran through the gym and into the bathroom to find her, pants down with diaper still on, sitting on the potty! I figured that she probably saw the other kids using it and wanted to try. So, we've been trying these last two days and it's going well. She's had two accidents each day, early on, but seems to be getting the hang of it. She even went on her own this afternoon! I could have done the dance of joy! I'm not totally sure it will stick this time, but this is progress, and I'm just thrilled.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cool Man

I'm not a huge reality TV watcher, but I do watch Project Runway every week and have been watching Shear Genius On Demand. Sometimes I watch when she's downstairs playing, but I never thought she was paying attention. Until today.

I was downstairs watching Shear Genius and Lauren was up with her dad, taking a shower. He brought her down to say hello and she looked up the TV. "Designers!" she says. She then pointed up at the TV and said, "That's a cool man!"

The man in question is covered in tattoos, so I think her dad would disagree with her assessment. I, though, thought it was hysterical! I love when she comes out with stuff like that.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Honeymoon is Over

This morning, as Lauren was getting settled in at daycare, I was chatting with VJ. She told me that Chloe and Lauren aren't really friends right now, that they've been fighting more and more. What started out as petty little fights over toys has escalated to not even wanting to be near each other. Apparently yesterday Lauren even told Chloe, "You're not my friend!"

Girl relationships are so fickle.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some New Things

As Lauren approaches her third birthday, we're really starting to see some new behaviors. It's always fun when she comes up with something new, but you always wonder just where that came from.

She's still loving snuggling with Mom and Dad: she asks to do that every morning and every night. Sometimes I think she's using it as a delay tactic, but most of the time it seems genuine. She's also still sleeping in her "sleeping bag." It's been a great tool to getting her to sleep since she's so excited about being in it. It's a little too small for her, truth be told, but she seems to enjoy sleeping all scrunched up.

-She loves saying little phrases and laughing and laughing about them. "Missit!" and "Dylan!" are her favorites. She also loves if you say them as well and giggles like a little loon while you do. Bonus points are given if you say them into her "microphone" that she got from Gymboree.

-Lauren is all about helping in the kitchen right now. She will drag in one of the dining chairs in to the counter and help you with whatever she can. She washes vegetables, repeatedly washes her hands, helps pour chopped-up foods into the pot, measures, and generally just makes things messier and take 4 times longer. It's wonderful, though, to have that time with her and that she has such a desire to help.

-She's continuing to play with language, which is always fun to hear. She still hasn't worked out the whole he/she thing, though occasionally she does get it right. She's working on putting together full sentences that describe what she's seeing and they're quite accurate. For example, in her Richard Scarry book there's a picture of Huckle putting his pants on his arm. She said, "She's putting hers pants on hers hand!" You really had to see her working through this to understand, but it was just wonderful to hear.

-I'm proud to report that she has learned left and right and can apply them. She learned it quickly through stamp time at Little Gym, where they put stamps on the kids' hands and feet while telling them whether it's right or left. She picked it up immediately, which was really neat to see!

-I'm also really seeing the effects of her Gymboree and Little Gym sessions. She's starting to be braver in running, jumping and climbing, and is becoming more and more coordinated. She attempted a rock wall on the playground recently and loves climbing on all the various ladders and bridges. I just love watching her interact with the world!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Farmer Lauren

Lauren received a farmer style hat at the birthday party on Saturday and decided that she must wear it in the car on the way to VJ's yesterday. I asked her what she has on her farm. "Vegetables." I then asked her if she had any animals. "Cows. And chicks. And giraffes. They make a sound like this. They make a sound like elephants." She then made a really good stab at making an elephant sound.

Given that I've never actually heard a giraffe making a sound, I can't argue with her.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Been A While...

I've had my head buried in work lately, so haven't updated for a week. Of course, she's still been very sweet and funny this whole time, so I have a couple of updates!

-Tonight, I swear the child turned into a whirling dervish. We were coming home from Gymboree, ready to have dinner and get her to bed. When we got home, she wanted to stay outside and pick flowers. Jeremy came out and stayed with her while I went inside to start dinner. After a few minutes, I heard an approaching wail. Jeremy came into the house, carrying a red-faced, crying girl. He wanted her to come in for dinner and she was quite unhappy about that. She cried and cried and then cried some more. She even tried pushing Jeremy back towards the door so he'd let her out.

After a couple of minutes, it was clear that she wasn't calmig down and was in fact acting nastier and nastier. So, Jeremy went to put her in timeout so she could settle down. He had her sit down in her normal spot and started the two minute timer. Immediately, she started crying, "I don't want a timeout! I don't want a timeout!" She did this for literally 1 minute and 40 seconds of her time in timeout, only settling right before it was time to get up. Once she got up, she asked to be left alone for a couple minutes, which we did. She then asked for a snuggle, which we obliged, and finally her dinner. She was off to bed a little later than normal tonight, but was much calmer by the time she got there.

-She went to her first real kid's birthday party on Saturday. It was her little friend Evander, who was turning three. The party was held at an "equestrian center" which was essentially a farm set up for parties. There was a little party room in the hayloft, a petting area with all sorts of animals, little tractors for them to ride, and pony rides.

Lauren got kind of a bad start when there was someone dressed up as a rabbit in the party room. She wasn't crying or anything, but definitely was keeping an eye on him. After that, she wasn't too keen to participate in much. She really didn't want to eat, though she did perk up when there were cupcakes. Of course. She waited patiently in line for a pony ride, but then didn't want to ride when it came time. She wanted to ride the tractors, but only a little. She didn't want to pet the animals and in fact seemed scared of the baby ducks and the little chicks. She wasn't upset; she just didn't want to.

Of course, true to form, she did surprise us in the end. She didn't want to pet all the little, cute animals, but when she got the chance to go pet the miniature donkey, she went right in and happily petted and talked to him. She's a funny kid sometimes!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Little Bunny

For some reason, Lauren has been obsessed lately with sleeping in her Pack N Play. Not sure what precipitated it, but she just wants to be in her "sleeping bag", and putting her to bed has never been easier.

This morning when I went in to get her, she was standing in the Pack N Play wearing the bunny ears we got at Target yesterday. "Hi Mommy! I a bunny wabbit," was how she greeted me. It was one of those snapshot moments I feel like I'll always remember.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

She's a Determined One!

Lauren and I were in Target this afternoon and of course had to check out the $1 section. There were lots of cute things, and we walked away with a colorful pinwheel, a headband with bunny ears, and a little coloring/sticker book of Tigger and Pooh. Arms full of things, she went out to the car.

On the way home, she was looking through the Tigger and Pooh book and kept asking me to read it. As I always do in the car, I told her to wait until we got home, since I was driving. She said, "I throw it to you!... 1...2...3" and it landed next to my elbow. What a funny girl.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Who Am I Talking To Today?

The really fun thing Lauren is up to lately is getting into is imaginary play. Her kitchen and cooking tools are great for her right now because she really loves "cooking" us all sorts of food like cookies, milkshakes, and sandwiches. She also loves to play-clean, which of course I love!

The funniest thing right now is how much she loves pretending to be different characters. I frankly never know whom I've talking to. Little Bear? Ruby? Max? Tigger? It seems to depend on her moods a bit, but also on what she's seen most recently. Tigger seems to be a favorite in the morning, which is great because I can get her to bounce out to the car rather easily. In the evenings, she's most often Ruby, with Jeremy as Max and me as Mrs. Huffington. It's funny to see her actually take on some of the traits of the different characters; she really seems to get their personalities.

This is definitely one of my favorite things about her todderhood. I'm enjoying see her use her imagination and experiencing the world around her in different ways.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In One Month...

Lauren will be three. I can't believe it! She's grown so much in the last year that it seems as if five years have gone by and yet, none at all. When she turned two, she just had a few words and was really figuring out how to use her body. Now, she talks all the time and uses more complex speech every day. Being in Gymboree and now Little Gym have been a huge help for her learning all the different things her body can do. She runs, jumps, and climbs with full confidence now, not that I love that all the time.

There's a lot about her that hasn't changed, though. She's still a smart, inquisitive little girl that greets each new day with excitement. Well, once she has some juice, that is! She independent and yet vastly loving; stubborn and yet happy to please. She's a wonderful girl and I can't wait to see what all she accomplishes next!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So She Really IS Listening!

Lauren has learned all sorts of neat little things at VJ's, including the Pledge of Allegiance, the five senses, and how to call 911. You have to imagine them with a little bit of a two-year-old filter, of course, but it's surprising how well she does them.

Another of the cute things is that she can answer questions about George Washington:

"Who was the first president of the United States?"
"George Washington."
"When was he born?"
"What does he wear on his head?"
"White wigs."

Well, that's what she's supposed to say, anyway. Yesterday, she was telling me that it was "white legs" and there was just no convincing her otherwise!

When Jeremy came home, I tried to get Lauren to say all of the above so that he could hear the "white legs" part. In typical Lauren fashion, though, she refused to recite on demand, so I was just telling him about it. When I got to the "white legs" part, Lauren suddenly interrupts and says, "That's right! White legs!" So the little stinker was listening after all!

Still don't know why she is so confused about the presidents, but I'm sure it'll work itself out.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What Language Is That, Exactly?

Friday night, Jeremy was in charge of feeding Lauren and getting her to bed. After she finished dinner, she wanted to snuggle on the couch. So, Jeremy settled in on the couch with her. She even wanted to snuggle their pillows so that they were touching. After a few minutes, she said, "Daddy, hock-soo. Hock-soo." Puzzled, Jeremy asked her what "hock-soo" meant.

She laid her head down on her pillow and made a snoring noise. Try it. It does kind of sound like "hock-soo!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Some funny things Lauren has said lately:

- When Lauren is watching TV and a show ends she'll say, "Coming up next!" We really don't let her watch much TV, so of course she would pick up something like this. Of course.

- I was watching a biography of Benjamin Franklin and Lauren pointed up at the screen and said, "It's Charles! With new hair!" What is up with her and the Founding Fathers?

- She was sitting behind me last night, playing with my hair. I didn't mind it much until she said, "Where are my scissors?"

- Last night, she spent five minutes with Jeremy saying, "Knock Knock!" "Who's there?" Pause. "A frog!" ... "Knock Knock!" "Who's there?" Pause. "A table!" ... "Knock Knock!" "Who's there?" Pause. "Ella!" So she doesn't get the joke part, but she's trying!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Crisis in Lauren's World

Lauren has never, ever had separation anxiety. She's not that kid that cries and hangs on my leg and begs me not to leave her. Whenever we arrive at daycare, I can barely get her to stop long enough to give me a quick kiss goodbye, she's in such a hurry to run and play. Whenever we've left her with sitters, she's not at all worried about us leaving and is really cool as she says goodbye.

So tonight it was a total shock when she absolutely lost her marbles when I had to leave to go to book club. I hadn't really told her I was leaving, but I never really have had to do that, as she's never cared. I had her in her seat eating her dinner as I made final dinner preparations and once Jeremy came home I was letting him know what next steps he needed to take with her and dinner. My friend then showed up to carpool and I told Lauren I was leaving. She absolutely lost it!

She started insisting that she get on her coat too, and I kept telling her that, no, she was staying with Daddy and that he'd put her to bed. She said she didn't want her Daddy to put her to bed, she wanted her coat. In order to give her a better hug, I let her out of her seat and she took off for the front door, looking for her coat. Again, I told her she wasn't going and that I'd see her later. She then tried to get between me and the door. Jeremy tried to distract her, but I could hear her screaming and tugging at the door as I was walking away. I felt terrible, but knew she'd be fine once I was out of sight.

Except she wasn't. When I came home, Jeremy told me that it had continued for a good ten minutes with her insisting that she needed her shoes, she needed to "zip up", Jeremy needed his jacket, that he needed to "zip up." She physically moved him to being in front of the door so that he could open it. She said lots of "Pleeeaaassee" and "Open door!", trying to wheedle him to let her chase after me. Finally, Jeremy managed to distract her with some of her play food, though even that she insisted she needed to "put in car" to go find me.

So, I'm not sure what that was all about, but here's hoping it doesn't happen again anytime soon!


Lauren has developed a friendship with a little girl at daycare and it's really quite sweet. It's fun to watch her have a friend and not just someone she happens to sit next to as she plays.

Chloe is her name and she's three, about six months older than Lauren. She has gorgeous red, curly hair and blue eyes and is always smiling. She's been going to VJ's for at least the last year or so, but I wouldn't have really called them friends, though I'm sure they played together. It's really just been in the last few months that they play mostly with one another and are so excited to see each other. They insist on hugging every time they meet; the other day Chloe didn't hug Lauren right away and Lauren sobbed like her heart was broken.

Of course, it's not always sunshine and roses between the two. VJ told me yesterday that they fight every so often about toys they're playing with, but that's totally normal. No relationship between two people is always perfect, right?

I talked with Chloe's mom the other day about getting the two together outside of daycare, so hopefully we'll be able to do that. Chloe only comes three days a week and Lauren is always sad when she's not there. We have to cultivate this little friendship!

Editing 2/23:
I have to add this from tonight's conversation with Lauren:

"Lauren, how old are you?"

Long pause.

"I'm two."

"That's right!"

"Chloe's, like, four."

Chloe's always on her mind, I guess.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snuggle Girl

Lauren has always been a huggy little girl, but lately she's obsessed with snuggling. The first thing out of her mouth when she wakes up in the morning is, "Go snuggle?" When we're getting her ready for bed it's, "Go snuggle?" Depending on how much time we have, we try to give her at least a little snuggle when she asks. This time in which she actually likes us is really short, you know?

In the last few days, though, she's now wanting to snuggle as soon as we get home from work/daycare. We take off our coats and shoes and crawl into our bed and make a "tent", pulling the covers over our head. She loves getting in and out of the "tent" and making me get in and out as well. Then yesterday I showed her a small flashlight we have and brought it under the covers with us. It's a whole new world! She loves shining the flashlight up to make big and small circles on the covers and the ceiling. She loves pressing it up against her hand to see the "red" and putting it under her shirt to see the different colors. I just love watching her curiosity and joy at experiencing all of these new things.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Confusion with the Presidents

First, Lauren called the University of North Carolina symbol "President Obama" (which she still does, by the way) and now she's having some confusion about the Father of our Nation.

Last week, at VJ's, she colored a picture of George Washington which then had cotton balls glued on as hair (by VJ, I'm sure). Lauren had colored George brown, and when I asked her about him, she told me it was "Charles, with new hair." Charles is Miss VJ's husband. They are Sri Lankan, so Lauren was close in her choice of crayon color, but the "new hair" is definitely not what Charles is sporting these days. I just thought it was an oddity and laughed it off.

Last night, we went to Valentine's dinner with Jeremy's dad and stepmom and she received a card from them with three $1 bills in it. When we asked her who was on the dollar, she said, "Charles!" It's evidently quite firmly in her mind.

I wonder who she'd say Teddy Roosevelt is?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Growing Girl

We've had a really busy week here, just going about the normal activities. A few highlights:

-After a short hiatus, Lauren's appetite has returned. There were a few weeks where she just wasn't eating much. I wasn't too worried, just figuring that it was part of her growth cycle and that it would return. Boy, has it! The other night, she ate 5 chicken nuggets with "dip" (ranch dressing), about 3/4 of a cup of mixed veggies, and two slices of cantaloupe. Top it off with a cup of milk, and you have quite the dinner for a kiddo!

-The next morning, I could have sworn she'd grown. She likes to sit on my laps in the morning and snuggle while she drinks her juice. The other morning, she just felt bigger sitting in my lap: her head was at the very top of my shoulder and her feet extend way off my lap. I don't know when she's turned into such a big girl!

- I had the same thought yesterday when I turned to look at her in her carseat and she just looked so big! She's certainly looking more and more like a 3 year old!

- Speaking of eating, I was trying to get her to eat some yogurt the other day, but she didn't want it for some reason. Finally, she started trying to feed it to me saying, "It's good for you!" Wonder where she got that?

- Jeremy has had a really busy work week and has been getting home late, just getting a few minutes with her before bed. The other morning, he was leaving for work and was saying goodbye to her. She said, "Bye, Daddy! Thanks for coming." Eeek.

- She had her Funny Bugs class this morning and did pretty well. She coninued to roam around the room and not quite complete the activities as she was supposed to, but she's only 2 and is learning. It's fun to watch her have a good time and explore!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

She's Missing Something

I just had the following conversation with Lauren, at dinnertime:

"I want milk, Mama."

"What do you say, Lauren?"


"I'm firsty, Mama."

"Lauren, what word do we use when we want something?"

Long pause.

"I want something to drink, Mama."

I could see this wasn't a fight I was going to win, so I just reminded her to say please and gave her the milk. She did say thank you, though.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Funny Bug

We had quite the crazy weekend here with Lauren getting dragged around quite a bit, but I'm happy to report she was quite the trooper.

One fun thing for her was her first Funny Bugs class at Little Gym. The Funny Bugs class is really for 3-4 year olds, but the instructor seemed to think she'd handle it just fine. One HUGE difference between this and Super Beasts is that Mom and Dad don't get to go in with her. She's on her own to follow directions and try things without us. I think this probably made me more nervous than she!

Overall, she did really great. They have a little starting activity where they sing a song and share their names. She appeared to do all of that, though we couldn't hear. Then they get into their "trains" (hands on the shoulders of the kid in front of them) and go into their rotations. Each rotation is made up like a little obstacle course where they have certain skills to do in a row. The teacher demonstrates and then they are supposed to practice one after another. Lauren would generally try to follow the directions, get confused as to where she was supposed to be, and then wander into another rotation. One of the teachers (there are 4 in there) would spot her and get her back on track. I'd say she tried about 70% of the different skills. She jumped, she rolled, she kind of tried the crab walk, and she could hang but not swing so well. In due time.

Mostly, this was just an exercise in giving her some independence and letting her try things on her own. She passed with flying colors, and we just really enjoyed getting to see our little bird out of the nest. Can't wait to see how she does next week!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How To Get Lauren To Do Something

Now that I've typed that title, I'm thinking I should put a question mark at the end, because Lauren is almost three and I haven't found a foolproof way to get her to do something. I normally am not a believer in astrology, but I saw a "Your Child's Sign!" article that summed her up well. It said, "Aries children don't like being told what to do." Boy, they got that right.

What I'm saying is that we have a stubborn little kiddo. If you tell her to do something, she won't do it. If you ask her to do something, she likely won't do it. If you ask her nicely to do something, she might maybe potentially think about it. I've discovered two things that have about a 70% success rate: distraction (aka turning it into a game) and leaving her the heck alone.

Taking the focus off of what it is you want her to do and then making it into a game is a great, great thing. She pretty easily can be convinced to pick up all the blue blocks and then the green ones and then the red until they're all up. Being silly while getting her dressed helps tremendously and tickling her during a diaper change makes it all the more pleasant. I like this one the best.

Leaving her the heck alone works wonders. If you tell her you want her to do something and she doesn't immediately do it, nagging her won't help. Stepping back and leaving her to what she's doing will often lead to her doing what you asked in due time. This is not a tactic that works when you're in a hurry, of course.

If you can't do either of those things, it's a crapshoot. Sometimes it works to tell her, "If you do x, you can do y that much faster." Sometimes it works to pretend you're going to go ahead and do it yourself; she doesn't like to be upstaged. Sometimes it works to just give up entirely and do it yourself. She would tell you that that's her favorite, I'm sure.

A quick funny Lauren comment from this morning:

I was getting ready for work in the bathroom. Lauren was already dressed and was kind of wandering around the house. She came into the bathroom and said, "I'm back, Mama!" I said, "You're back? Okay!" to which she said, "It's a miracle!"

That's right, kiddo. It's a miracle.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another "Where Did You Learn That?!?!"

The other night, I took Lauren to eat at McDonald's. We were on the run from one activity to the next, so quick and easy ruled the day. Before I took her to order, I needed to change her diaper. I had her up on the changing table in the McD's bathroom and she was looking up at the pictures that comprise the safety information. All of a sudden, she said, "It's like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Mama." I swear I did a double take. Where in the world did she learn that?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, She Knows Who She's NOT!

Yesterday morning, we were trying to get Lauren dressed. Now, I've talked quite a bit about how rough mornings can be with her, so we were being very calm and patient. She'd had her juice and snuggled with mom for a while, so things were going well. I put on her black turtleneck and went to put this little dress over it. She immediately started screaming and crying, "I'm not a princess! I'm not a princess!" We didn't want to force the issue, so away we went with her in the turtleneck and jeans.

We were both flabbergasted and amused at her reaction. We really don't talk much about the whole princess thing in the house (I'm not a huge fan of the princess mania that's out right now); she's maybe heard a couple of stories with princesses in them and has a little dish set with the Disney princesses on them, so it's really not around. So, how she got the idea that dresses = princesses, I'm not sure. I'm fine with her in jeans every day, though, so it's fine. And, of course, we just need to wait a couple of months and she'll only want to wear dresses. Toddlers are fickle creatures, I'm learning.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lefty or Righty?

Once Lauren began to reach and grab at things, I watched her carefully to see whether she's right or left handed. I figured she'd be right handed since that's what both Jeremy and I are, but the thing is, I'm not so sure. From the very beginning, she grabbed at things with both hands equally, with maybe even a bit of a preference for the left. I began watching her even more closely, waiting to see if a clear handedness would develop.

The interesting thing is, it hasn't. She isn't clearly right or left handed. She tends to eat with her left hand when she's using her fingers, but uses a fork or spoon with her right. Most of the time, she colors with her right hand, but also does just as well with her left and tends to switch every so often. She always points at things with her left hand and mostly picks things up and arranges things with her left. It's really odd. I think this is one I'll have to keep you posted on!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Little Super Beast

Lauren had her third Super Beasts class tonight and did really well. She already understands the routine of it all and is getting really good at following directions. That's the one piece I was worried about with her joining an older class, but I think she'll be fine. When it's time to get the music out at the beginning of class, she runs up, selects her instrument (tonight: maracas and jingle bells) and runs back to my lap. When it's time to put them away, she does so immediately and seems to want to help the other kids. I teared up a little tonight watching that, I'll admit. She's just getting to be such a big girl.

Tonight she wasn't as interested in the exploration time as she was the first night. She's actually more interested in looking at the different parts of the apparatus: the place where the bars connect to the ground and the screw that raises and lowers the beam. I figured she'd look at that a while and then quit when she saw the other kids having fun, but no. Maybe next week she'll actually use the equipment. She did try both of the tricks of the week, though: the forward roll on the balance beam and a back handspring over a bolster. Well spotted, of course.

Lauren's favorite part of all is at the end when they get a stamp on both feet, both hands, and their tummy. The stamp tonight was a red star and she wore it proudly. So happy was she, in fact, that she kept trying to sneak back in line to get more stamps. Goofy girl.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lauren's Guide to Speaking English

As with any toddler, Lauren has some really cute pronunciations of words. Some she's grown out of quickly, but others have stuck. My favorites:

"Wal-ler" = water

"Liarm" = alarm

"Mee-nah" used to = banana

"Killy" used to = kitty

"Yoguck" used to = yogurt

"Back-cack" = backpack

"Umblella" = umbrella

"Bul-lerfly" = butterfly

Lauren says the "th" sound as "f", so "thanks" becomes "fanks" and "anything" becomes "anyFING." It's really cute.

She's also said a couple of really cute things lately:

- She's persisting in the President Obama thing. She was wearing her Carolina shirt, so I pointed to it and said, "Look, babe, you're wearing your Carolina shirt!" "No, Mom," she said with a hint of irritation, "It's President Obama."

- The other day, I wanted to lie down for a nap, and Lauren helped tuck me in. Jeremy was hovering in the doorway and she pushed him out saying, "Stay back, Daddy." As she shut the door behind them, I heard her say, "Go cook dinner, Daddy." That's my girl!

- She pointed out a leaf that was skittering across the parking lot due to the wind and told me it was walking. I thought that was pretty clever.

- She's had a runny nose ever since that cold last week and a couple days ago, I told her I needed to get her a tissue. "No! No tiss-me!" she wailed. I thought that was pretty clever as well!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

As Lauren becomes even more herself every day, I've started standing back and wondering where she got some of her personlity traits (okay, quirks) from. Is it a direct genetic link to me that's showing its ugly head or is it from living in proximity to me that's developing these things? You decide:

The Cleaner Upper

The older I've gotten, the more I just want stuff to be in its place. I'm not an OCD neat freak by a long shot, but I believe that everything should have a home in our home and that it should spend the majority of its time there. Of course, I've had to temper that a bit with marrying Jeremy and having Lauren, but overall, I'd say I'm still more interested in having a clean house than most.

That trait does seem to be carrying on to Lauren. She can certainly make a mess with the best of them and really does howl sometimes when it's time to clean up, but if you watch her closely, you'll notice how she likes organizing things and seems to take some happiness from things being neat. This really showed one day when I was watching Hoarders and at the end, the house still wasn't clean. "It's still messy," Lauren said. "There's still boxes." And she was right! Now, has she learned that from me, or is it genetic?

The I-Hate-Mornings Person

I hate mornings. Hate them with a passion. Even if I've gotten 12 hours of sleep, opening my eyes and putting my feet on the floor is painful. Psychically if not physically, anyway. I just hate mornings. No amount of coffee or bluebirds or sunshine can make me happy to be awake. I'm not a night owl either, so I've always chalked it up to just being one of those people that should go into work around 10 am.

As you've seen in my previous posts, Lauren is certainly the same. She just hates being woken up, hates getting dressed, and hates you for doing it to her. I think that there's definitely a possiblity that I just radiate so much negative energy in the morning that she's picking it up, but I do wonder about the genetics of it all.

The Avid Reader

This one is especially pertinent, given that I spent my entire day off today with my nose in a book. I've always loved to read; I love the feeling of being transported to another time and place with a book. I'm currently in two book clubs and read other books as well; I can't get enough. I could do without TV, but never without books.

Ever since Lauren was a little kiddo, she's loved books. We started reading to her almost immediately and for the longest time, we've always read her three stories at night. She carries books everywhere she goes, especially in the car. She can sit for an hour looking at a single book, staring transfixed as if she must remember every detail. Since she doesn't nap anymore, they just give her a stack of books to read and she's as happy as a little clam.

While the two above traits certainly could be explained by her watching me, I think this one is definitely at least partly genetic. She doesn't see me read much, since I do so after she's in bed, though she does see me with books. I think, though, that she just loves the feeling of reading and learning something new. Of course, she can't read the words on the pages yet, but she seems to understand that books bring you to a different world. Wherever she got it, I'm so glad that she loves to read and learn. I just hope that continues!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Love My Daughter

Watching the news out of Haiti the last few days has been just heartbreaking. My mind can't even comprehend the sadness and devastation the people of Haiti are experiencing and I just wish I could help.

I always feel blessed, but seeing the tragedy these others humans are experiencing really makes me look around and count all the wonderful blessings I have in my life. And the most wonderful blessing of all? My beautiful little monkey-girl Lauren.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I have lived in this amazing state of love and grace. Having Lauren was the best thing that ever happened to me: she's changed my world in a million little ways, all for the better. I'm constantly astounded by all the wonderful things she can do and the fact that there's nothing she believes she can't do. Seeing a child become a person is just incredible. She's so strong-willed and independent and smart, and she's so loving and kind to others; she's more than I could have ever dreamed. Watching her learn and grow into her own is such a privilege and I can't wait to see what she does next.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sick Little Monkey

We have a sad, sick little girl. She started getting a little hoarse sound to her voice on Saturday and had a little cough on Sunday. Sunday night, it became really clear that she was coughing more and more. By the time we went to bed, she had woken up again and was having a tough time. We put her in her room with us and turned on the humidifier. It wasn't easy to get her back to sleep, but she went eventually.

This morning, we decided to go ahead and keep her home for the day. She was warm to the touch, though not quire feverish. She had the runniest nose and watery eyes. Poor kiddo was just miserable. So, we just relaxed and played quietly all day. She seemed to be getting a little better, until after nap. She started coughing so hard that she threw up a couple of times. She felt terrible and kept apologizing to me. I immediately called the doctor and off we went.

Basically, she just has a really bad cold. The doctor said to keep an eye on her cough and make sure her ears are okay, and that she should be fine. It looks like I'll be staying home tomorrow since she isn't any better, but I'm glad to know it's just a cold.

The funny thing about this is that our daycare lady, Veejay, totally knew Lauren was getting sick before she was showing any symptoms. She told me on Friday that Lauren had had a great day, really being quiet and easy to work with. I was pleased, until she told me that she thought it was because Lauren was getting sick. Turns out she was right, but it's too bad that's the only reason for a good day!:)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Clever Girl!

Lauren said some really smart things yesterday that I wanted to share.

- We were driving home from daycare and she was looking at a book. She told me that she found a square. I asked her what color. "Light blue," she says. She was right, too!

- As I got in the backseat to undo her carseat buckles, she said, "Is it still raining, Mama?" I'd never heard her used 'still' before, but she did it again today.

- When we got home, she was eating an apple. She kept putting her finger on the stem, so I told her that apples grow on trees and that the stem keeps the apple on the tree. "It's like a stick," she said. Again, she was right!

We did a little potty-training today and it was pretty successful! She went on the potty probably 8 out of the 10 times. I do think this is the right time, so we'll see how it goes!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

She's a Super Beast, Super Beast! She's Super Beastie!

We've been wanting to get Lauren into a more structured class like some sort of movement or art, so tonight we took an introductory class at Little Gym, called "Super Beasts." The littler kids are "Beasts" and Lauren's age group are the "Super Beasts." Isn't that cute and oh so true?

Anyway, I think we've found her niche! She did pretty well at the group activities; catching on and mimicking the others fairly well. She even followed directions about putting things away. I was amazed! Where she really shone, though, was in the exploration times and skill of the week, where she got to try all sorts of equipment and even start learning some basic moves. She's fearless and will try anything, even if she's not totally clear on what she's doing. She's also quite strong and can do a full somersault by herself! The teacher even commented that she seemed very strong and coordinated. I puffed up with pride and maybe even got a tear in my eye. It's so amazing to watch her personality peeking (well, barging, sometimes) through and learning more and more about her. I have a pretty cool kid!

So, of course after the comments from the teacher and seeing how much fun Lauren had, we signed her up for classes through June. We're going to go to the next three Super Beasts class (we get them for free) to get her acquainted with how the class runs and how to participate and listen and then we're going to try her in the "Funny Bugs" class, which is for 3-4 year olds. She's not quite old enough, of course, but she seemed okay tonight and we can always move her back if needed. So, into training she goes!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here She Comes!

This afternoon, as I was walking up to Veejay's to pick Lauren up from daycare, I could hear happy little voices outside. Today was near 50, and this was their first trip out in ages. They were all so thrilled!

As I got closer, I heard this one sweet little voice bellowing over the others. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but it was clearly Lauren's voice. As I stepped in the gate, I saw her on this swing-like thing, being pushed by Miss Veejay. It took her a minute to even notice I was there, but once she did she shouted, "Mama! I on swing with Miss Bee-jay!" I started talking to Miss Veejay and Miss Suzie about her day while Lauren continued to swing. Over our conversation, I heard her said, "It's the Law-wen train!" I laughed and asked her what she said. She just answered me with a "chug a chug a choo choo!" What a funny little girl!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ordinary Days

I'm discovering that it's difficult to blog when we just have an ordinary day, which is most days. Lauren will occasionally come up with little snippets of funny thoughts or do something really cute, but normally, we're just going about our day, boring as that can sometimes be. In writing this, though, I'm realizing that even on those "boring" days, I keep little snapshots in my mind of what she's doing and saying, even when it's not out of the ordinary.

Snapshots I'm seeing right now:

- Lauren "peeling" a play banana to give to me as she gave me a lunch she made in her new kitchen.

- Lauren "driving" to the store. She would get in the big blue recliner and move her hands in front of her as if moving a steering wheel. She'd then get down, do her shopping with the play food and the shopping cart and then get back in the recliner to drive home. She even got a little wild with her driving, bouncing up and down and back and forth, making me and Jeremy laugh.

- Lauren sitting zombie-like in front of the TV watching Max and Ruby or Busytown Mysteries. She actually sits with her mouth open; I figure it's only a matter of time before I see her drooling.

- Lauren sitting out in the living room this morning with the cat after she decided she must play. She woke up really, really early and once I got up, wanted to shower with me. Jeremy was trying to distract her when she decided she must play. As I walked from the bathroom to the bedroom, I could see her out on the floor playing and saying something to the cat. Who knows what they were up to, though I would guarantee he wasn't a willing participant.

- Lauren taking my drinks in the car after my run. She and Jeremy picked me up at the end of my long run so that we could donate blood. I had both a bottle of Gatorade and some tea from Starbucks in order to hydrate. Well, Little Miss thought they were both for her, so I kept hearing, "Have some juice, Mom?" and "I need coffee!"

- Lauren getting really irritated at me for something (who knows what?) and telling me, "No, Mama, stay back!" as she pushed on my legs.

- Lauren sitting in my lap so that I could read to her. She gets such joy out of being read to and gets this huge grin on her face as you read.

- Lauren standing on the couch dancing to the theme song from Busytown Mysteries.

The thing that I'm learning about the "Terrible Twos" is that they're not so bad. Sure, Lauren can whine and cry with the best of them, but really those times are not all that common and I've learned to head many of them off. What's truly wonderful about this age is these little moments of seeing her learn and live and grow and getting to be part of that. That's what makes each day special, even if it's "boring."